A c t i v i t i e s

Since its initiation in 1993, MEDCOAST has carried out activities in three directions.
- Organization of international scientific meetings (conferences, workshops)
- International training programs.
- International collaborated research.
The range of MEDCOAST activities is presently being expanded by:
- Publishing the MEDCOAST Newsletter biannually;
- Developing the International Graduate Program at Middle East Technical University on Coastal Management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea;
- Operating as the regional data and information management center on coastal and sea management issues of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. International events organized by MEDCOAST.
MEDCOAST has already organized:
- Eight major international conferences
- MEDCOAST 93, 2-5 November 1993, Antalya, Turkey
- MEDCOAST 95, 24-27 October 1995, Tarragona, Spain
- MEDCOAST 97, 11-14 November 1997, Qawra, Malta
- MEDCOAST 99, 9-13 November 1999, Antalya, Turkey
- MEDCOAST 01, 23-27 October 2001, Hammamet, Tunisia
- MEDCOAST 03, 7-11 October 2003, Ravenna, Italy
- MEDCOAST 05, 25 - 29 October 2005, Kusadasi, Turkey
- Wind and Wave Climate of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, 27-30 March 1999, Antalya, Turkey
- Three international workshops
- International Workshop on the State-of-the-Art of ICM in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, (MED & Black Sea ICZM 96), 2-5 November 1996, Sarigerme, Turkey
- Applications of Remote Sensing to the Management of River Catchment Areas and their Coastal Margins in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, 10-12 April 2000, Ispra, Italy
- International Workshop on Beaches of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea: Dynamics, Regeneration, Ecology & Management,
24-27 October 2002, Kusadasi, Turkey
- Seven Training Programs on the topic of Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean & the Black Sea
- MEDCOAST Institute 94, 22 August - 14 September 1994, Ankara / Bodrum Peninsula Turkey.
- MEDCOAST Institute 95, 28 August - 15 September 1995, Ankara, Marmaris, Cappadocia - Turkey.
- MEDCOAST Institute 96, 27 August - 13 September 1996, Ankara, Marmaris, Cappadocia - Turkey.
- MEDCOAST Institute 98, 25 August - 11 September 1998, Ankara, Marmaris, Cappadocia - Turkey.
- MEDCOAST Institute 99, 24 August - 10 September 1999, Ankara, Marmaris, Cappadocia - Turkey.
- MEDCOAST Institute 02, 3 - 17 September 2002, Dalyan, Aegean coast - Turkey
- MEDCOAST Institute 04, 31 August - 14 September 2004, Dalyan, Aegean coast - Turkey
- Six Training Programs on the topic of Beach Management
- The First International Workshop/Training Program on Beach Management in the Mediterranean & the Black Sea, 7-12 April, 1995, Erice, Italy.
- The Second International Training Program on Beach Management in the Mediterranean & the Black Sea, 11-17 May, 1996, Gozo, Malta.
- The Third International Training Program on Beach Management in the Black Sea, 4-6 July, 1997, Varna, Bulgaria.
- The Fourth International Training Program on Beach Management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, 13-17 July, 1999, Valetta, Malta
- The Fifth International Training Program on Beach Management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, 27 June - 2 July 2000, Mamaia, Constanza, Romania
- The Sixth International Training Workshop on Beach Management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, 9-15 June 2003, Kusadasi, Turkey
- A Short-course on the topic of Coastal Zone Management
- Coastal Zone Management in the Mediterranean & the Black Sea, 22-23 October 1995, Tarragona, Spain.