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Authors | Country of 1st Author |
1 |
Immobilisation of metal wastes by reaction with H2S in anoxic basins
Schuiling | Netherlands |
2 |
NetArea Common Platform for Integrated Coastal Management
Suvorov | Russia |
3 |
Dynamics of Marakia and Marina Beaches Along the Northwestern Coast of Egypt
Abo Zed, Sediek, Shereet, Badr | Egypt |
4 |
Distribution Characteristics of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in the sediments of the Samsun Harbour
Yılmaz, Orhan | Turkey |
5 |
Changes in Landscape Characteristics in Coastal Towns, The Case of Tekirdağ
Özyavuz, Yetim | Turkey |
6 |
Study of Beach State and Coast Protection within Sochi City
Kosýan, Petrov, Yaroslavtsev | Russia |
7 |
Vegetation and Soil Relationship on Ceyhan Delta oastal Dunes(Turkey)
Serteser | Turkey |
8 |
Influence of quantity substratum on processes bacterial transformation of oil in the sea
Rubtsova, Egorov | Ukraine |
9 |
Simplified Equations for Determination of Berm Width in Bermed Seawalls and its Application to Alexandria Coast, Egypt
Eissa | Egypt |
10 |
Shore Protection of a Proposed Promontory South of Kuwait
Rakha, Al-Salem | Kuwait |
11 |
Human impact on the coastal environment of Durresi Bay
Dollma | Albania |
12 |
Wave Transmission and Runup on Berm Step Type Seawall
Juang, Lin | Taiwan |
13 |
Tourism on Dalyan Coast, Turkey: Risk and Opportunities
Fernández, Dollma, Jakl, Yurenko | Spain |
14 |
Studies on the Characteristics of Bragg Reflection for Water Waves over a Series of Submerged Breakwaters
Hwang, Tsai, Wen | Taiwan |
15 |
An Efficient Numerical Scheme to Simulate Wave Induced Circulation
Yıldız, İnan, Balas | Turkey |
16 |
A Finite Volume Model of Wave Propogation
İnan, Balas | Turkey |
17 |
Paleogeomorphology and evolution of the ancient Pelusiac branch of The Nile Delta
Torab | Egypt |
18 |
Prokaryotic viruses in three ponds of different salinity in the Sfax solar saltern (Tunisia)
Elloumi, Ayadi, Carrias, Sime-Ngando, BouaÏn, Boukhris |
Tunisia |
19 |
Overtopping rate on rubble mounded berm breakwaters with series submerged breakwaters
Lin, Juang | Taiwan |
20 |
Atherina boyeri (Risso, 1810) and Atherina punctata (Trabelsi et al., 2002).
Trabelsi, Faure, Quignard, Boussaid, Maamouri | Tunisia |
21 |
A Hybrid Model to Improve the Derivation of Nearshore Bathymetry around Hasaki, Japan
Ahmed | Japan |
22 |
Case study: Ecosystem and Natural Resources Management in the Russian Sector
Ostrovskaya | Russia |
23 |
Pollution of marine environment and environmental assessment of projects on exploitation of hydrocarbon reserves in the Caspian Sea
Monakhov, Ostrovskaya, Kurapov |
Russia |
24 |
Ecological Classification of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coastal Zone Based on the Benthic Invertebrate Fauna Status – preliminary results
Konsulova, Todorova, Trayanova | Bulgaria |
25 |
Assessment of Soil Losses caused by Soil Erosion in River Basins and Catchments
Yordanov | Bulgaria |
26 |
Parameters of nearshore zone dynamical processes / operational database management system.
Podymov, Kos’yan, Podymova | Russia |
27 |
Current speeds variability in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea near the Lebanese coasts
Kabbara | Lebanon |
28 |
Application of the Principal Components Analysis to the study of the biotic and abiotic parameters in Sfax Solar saltern
Guermazi, Ayadi, Elloumi, BouaÏn | Tunisia |
29 |
The Women/Youth and the Sea Programme of the International Ocean Institute: System-wide development and capacity building of coastal communities
Galdies | Malta |
30 |
Groins Rehabilitation and New Uses versus Beach Nourishment. Santa Pola, Spain
Fernández, Popovic | Spain |
31 |
Morphological study of some cephalic bones of Atherina lagunea(Trabelsi et al., 2002) of north tunisian lake
Ayed, Meddeb, Trabelsi, Faure, Quignard and Maamouri | Tunisia |
32 |
Geographic Information System (GIS) for Selection of Fish Farming Areas in Sürmene Bay
Güneroğlu, Köse, Erüz, Başar, Erkebay,Karslı | Turkey |
33 |
Investigation of Vessel Traffic In Canakkale Strait
Köse, Başar, Güneroğlu, Erkebay | Turkey |
34 |
MPAs as small scale fishing management tool in the Mediterranean Sea’
Barcala, Maestre & Mas | Spain |
35 |
Marine Ecosystem Thresholds – Towards an integrated theoretical framework for valuation
Markandya, Taylor, Longo | UK |
36 |
Cetacean Populations in the Black Sea: New Conception of Monitoring System
Gol’din, Gol’din | Ukraine |
37 |
Resistance of Bacillus spores in salt crystals
Allaya, Bakhrouf | Tunisia |
38 |
Adaptation of Vibrio Cholerae to extreme seawater stress
Allaya, Bakhrouf | Tunisia |
39 |
An effort toward renaturalisation of Igea Marina beach: transformation of 6 emerged barriers into a single low crested structure
Preti, Lamberti, Martinelli, Albertazzi, Sammarini |
Italy |
40 |
Species Composition of Phytoplankton and its Seasonal Changes in Seaside Park Pond located in Kujyukurihama Coastal Line, Japan
Murakami, Ishii, Kazuo Taki, Matsushima | Japan |
41 |
Preliminary Results of the Ecosystem Modeling at theRomanian Black Sea Shelf Using Princeton Ocean Model
Mihailov, Malciu, Mateescu | Romania |
42 |
Allelopathic Effect Shown by Seawater from Sargassum horneri Bed on the Growth of Skeletonema costatum
Takeda, Chiba, Nomura, Nakano, Nishimura | Japan |
43 |
Model for Short-Term Sea Level and Current Forecast in the Black and Azov Seas
Verbitskaya, Popov, Zilberstein | Russia |
44 |
Roll-on/Roll-off Transportation in the Mediterranean
Kubilay | Turkey |
45 |
On Sediment Suspension Threshold under Waves and Current Co-Action
Kantardgi, Antsyferov | Russia |
46 |
Dinophysis Species and Prorocentrum Lima in Black Sea Coastal Plankton: Ecology, Identity, Toxicity
Vershinin | Russia |
47 |
Condition of Ichtiofouna in Georgia (Marina Khavtasi )
Khavtasi, Akhalaia, Gvajava | Georgia |
48 |
Lighthouses New Opportunities. Gran Canaria Island. Spain
Fernández, Hernández | Spain |
49 |
Bioidentification of Xenobiotics as a Part of Pollution Control
Tonkopii | Russia |
50 |
Coastal Zone Management for Cyprus the Implementation Phase: Experience and Benefits Gained
Iacovou, Zervos | Cyprus |
51 |
Microphytoplankton in the Marine Lake Mir (The Dugi Otok Island, Croatia)
Jasprica, Carić | Croatia |
52 |
Comparison of temporal variation of chlorophyll-a, carotinoid pigment, nutrient and CTD parameter in eastern Black Sea coast during the periods of 1993-1994 and 2001-2002
Feyzioglu, Kurt, Guneroglu, Feyzioglu | Turkey |
53 |
Toxicity assessment in Marmara shoreline:
Talınlı, Tosun | Turkey |
54 |
Osteological data of Atherina lagunae (Trabelsi et al., 2002) cranial bones in north Tunisian lake
Ayed, Meddeb, Trabelsi, Faure, Quignard, Maamouri | Tunisia |
55 |
European Sea Level Service Information System for Coastal Activities
Blasi | Germany |
56 |
Attracting students to natural science – the VIRTUE model
Lindblom | Sweden |
57 |
Monitoring of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons and Seawater Quality in the Mid-Black Sea Coast: Case Study , Sinop , Turkey
Karaalioğlu, Orhan | Turkey |
58 |
COZIP: An Intensive Programme in European Integrated Coastal Zone Management
Gallagher, Johnson; Fletcher, Muhammetoglu; Ortacesma Cummins; O’Donnell, Phillips, Williams |
UK |
59 |
Offshore Sea Farming in Turkey
Deniz | Turkey |
60 |
Comparison of some of cephalic skulls between an insulary species of atherina from the Kerkena’s islands and a lagunary one from the lagune of Bizerte: Atherina lagunae (Trabelsi et al., 2002)
Bouriga, Hamrouni, Trabelsi, Faure, Romdhane, Quignard, Maamouri | Tunisia |
61 |
Hamrouni, Bouriga, Trabelsi, Faure, Romdhane, Quignard, Maamouri | Tunisia |
62 |
Phosphorus Asscoiation with Sedimentary Formations Under Two Different Conditions in a Bay, West of the Nile Delta Coast
El-Rayis, Osman , El-Sabrouti, Abdelmonem, Mohasseb |
Egypt |
63 |
Living Black Sea - Building Network of Marine Environmental Education Along Russian Coast of Black Sea
Vershinin, Soloviev | Russia |
64 |
Study of Methods for Seperation of the Black Sea Cold Intermediate Waters
Prokopov | Russia |
65 |
The macro-invertebrates of the seagrass herbarium, Posidonia oceanica
Ben Ismaîl, Telahigue, Chebbi, Hajji, Ben Hassine | Tunisia |
66 |
The macro-invertebrates of the seagrass, Posidonia oceanica herbarium in one anthropized site
Chebbi, Ben Ismail, Telahigue, Hajji , Ben Hassine | Tunisia |
67 |
Qualitative study of the management impact on the temporal evolution of benthic macroinvertebrates populations in a Mediterranean lagoon (Tunis north lagoon, North Tunisia): Molluscan fauna structure
Diawara, Zouari-Tlig, Ben Hassine | Tunisia |
68 |
Use of Spot 5 and Ikonos Satellites for Mapping Biocenoses in a Tunisian Lagoon
Vela, Djelouli , Langar, Pasqualini , Pergent, Pergent-Martini , Mrabet | France |
69 |
Use of Posidonia Meadows to Monitor the Mediterranean Coastline : The Corsican Monitoring Network
Pergent, Pergent-Martini, Abiven, Boissery, Filmont, Hauden, Mimault , Pasqualini, Patrone | France |
70 |
Seagrass Watch, A New Tool to Monitor Metallic Contamination ?
Pergent-Martini, Kantin, Pergent, Andral, Ferrat | France |
71 |
Comparison of oromandibular region bones of two western Mediterranean sand smelts
Meddeb, Trabelsi, Faure, Quignard,Maamouri |
Tunisia |
72 |
Biodiversity and evolution of a natural coastal environnement: Case of the rocky substratum of the Sahel Coast (North Tunisia)
Mejri, Menif, Boujarra, Hajji, Ben Hassine | Tunisia |
73 |
Tourism Impact on Coral Reef in Red Sea, Egypt
Aly Abdallah | Egypt |
74 |
Coastal management tools and instruments
Ehrlich, Kokovkin | Estonia |
75 |
Research and Analysis of Extreme Waves in the North-Eastern Part of the Black Sea
Divinsky, Pushkarev | Russia |
76 |
Sediments Movement in the Southern Baltic Coastal Zone
Zawadzka | Poland |
77 |
Mediterranean Environmental Programme
Güneş | Turkey |
78 |
Sustainability of Tourism and Ecotourism in Coastal City Amasra
Yazgan, Kapuci, Cengiz |
Turkey |
79 |
Circulation Patterns of the South East Sector of the Mediterranean Sea
Eid, Sharaf El-Din, Ibrahiem, Tonbol | Egypt |
80 |
Use of different change detection algorithms
Alphan | Turkey |
81 |
Proposal of Waterfront Renovation for Elbe River in Magdeburg
Ergen, Ergen, Ergen | Turkey |
82 | Towards the Application of Integrated Ecosystem Approach for Protecting the European Waters | Istemil | Turkey |
83 |
Protecting the resources while developing compatible tourism: a proposal for an integrated approach
Bianchini, Camilleri, Mosteiro, Ragonese | Italy |
84 |
Alternative Method of Seperation of Cold Intermediate Layer Generation Zone in the Black Sea
Prokopov | Russia |
85 |
The Marine Algae of Ayvalik (Aegean Sea, Turkey)
Taşkın, Öztürk | Turkey |
86 | Model of an Estimation of Eclological Damage for Sea Resort Regions | Dreizis | Russia |
87 |
Temperature-dependant haemolymph and mantle fluid changes under emersion in the oyster,
Rafrafi, Sadok, Uglow | UK |
88 |
The reef barrier of Posidonia oceanica at Sidi Raïs (gulf of Tunis): characteristics and diversity of macro-invertebrates
Telahigue, Chebbi, Ben Ismail, Hajji, Ben Hassine | Tunisia |
89 |
Seaward Mobility of Seismically Induced Coastal and Subbottom Sediment Failures in Karamürsel Basin (İzmit Bay); As Evidenced by Post-Earthquake Seismic Reflection Data and Changes in PAH Concentrations
Alpar, Ünlü | Turkey |
90 |
Delineation of Surface Water Bodies in Slovene Coastal Area in the Process of EU Water Framework Directive Implementation
Peterlin | Slovenia |
91 |
Observing Coastal Use Change by Satellite Data
Gazioğlu, Yücel, Müftüoğlu | Turkey |
92 |
Toe Scour of Seawall on Steep Seabed
Tsai, You | Taiwan |
93 |
Investigation of Burdur Lake Coastal Change with Satellite Images
Sener, Davraz, Ismailov | Turkey |
94 |
Integrated sediment transportation management : Through the comparison of reality between Spain and Japan
Fernández, Wakita | Spain |
95 |
Considerations for the possibility of setting up the private beach with the objective of better beach management and of tourism : Through the comparison of beach management between Japan and Spain
Wakita, Fernández | Japan |
96 |
Analytical and numerical modelling of the water circulation and fluxes of the Tunis South Lake
Gana, Kochlef | Tunisia |
97 |
Calculation and statistical analysis of vertical gradients of hydrochemical parameters of redox layer using database of expeditions in the northeastern part of the Black Sea in 2000-2004
Podymov | Russia |
98 |
Ecological Diagnostics of Marine Environment of Coastal Aquotoria
Alomov, Osadchaya | Ukraine |
99 |
Lead and copper dynamics in the coastal waters of the northeastern part of the Black Sea
Kovaleva | Russia |
100 |
Formation of Anoxic Conditions in the Sea of Azov
Debolsakaya, Yakushev, Kuznetsov | Russia |
101 |
Does exist the relationship between resource ratios and phytoplankton population structure in the marine lake Vlaška? (Neretva estuary, Croatia)
Carić, Jasprica | Croatia |
102 |
The Landscape Features of Bartın River, Recreation and Tourism
Memlük, Cengiz | Turkey |
103 |
Ecological Characteristics of Bartin River and Planning Strategies
Yazgan, Çelikyay, Cengiz | Turkey |
104 |
Sea Level Rise and Foreseeable Impacts on Coastal Zones in Turkey
Burak, Alpar, Gazioğlu, Türker, Barut | Turkey |
105 |
Need for Integration of River Basin and Coastal Zone Management-Kizilirmak River Basin
Burak, Gazioğlu, Doğan | Turkey |
106 |
Hydrocehemical Monitoring of Coastal Environment of the Black Sea Caucasian Coast
Chasovnikov | Russia |
107 |
Structure and Eclological State of Landscapes of Russian Black Sea Coast
Petrooshina | Russia |
108 |
Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental records from the Southern Bulgarian Black Sea coast
Filipova-Marinova | Bulgaria |
109 |
Seasonal Changes in Hydrochemical Structure of the Black Sea redox zone
Yakushev, Podymov, Chasovnikov | Russia |
110 |
Modeling of hydrochemical structure of redox-interfaces
Yakushev | Russia |
111 |
Why Posidonia oceanica is absent in the Eastern Levant Sea (Eastern Mediterranean)? – hydrological evaluation and transplantation experiment -
Çelebi, Gücü, Uygur | Turkey |
112 |
Wastewater Discharge in Adriatic Sea by Estuarine Transition Flow and Termoaline Assessment due to Along Shore Sand Bar. A Survey in Sea Outlet of Marano River at Riccione-RN (Italy)
Mancini | Italy |
113 |
The sustainable balanced scrorecard for the integrated management of the fish farming in Sicily
Curro, Maccarrone | Italy |
114 |
Modelling of extreme storm surges in the North Sea and its statistical analysis
Jensen, Mudersbach, Müller-Navarra | Germany |
115 |
Dynamics of the Deltaic Canyon Area of the Rv. Chorokhi, Georgia
Bilashvili, Russo | Georgia |
116 |
Algerian coast, Erosion, causes and solutions
Matouk | Algeria |
117 |
Marine Information System and Participatory Integrated Coastal Management: The case of the County of Split, Dalmatia, Croatia
Santoro, Bettin, Zanetto | Italy |
118 |
Small pelagic fishing effort modeling and geo-referencing in the northern Tunisia
Ben Rais-Lasram, Gana, Belhassen | Tunisia |
119 |
Monitoring and modeling coastal lagoons in North Africa: Initial results of the MELMARINA project
Chambers, Flower, Thompson, Rasmussen, Petersen, Ahmed, Ayache, Kraiem, Ramdani | UK |
120 |
An Investigation of Coastal Management in Zonguldak Region
Özölçer, Yıldırım, Büyüksalih, Çapar, Öztürk | Turkey |
121 |
An ecosystem approach to contamination of the Lagoon of Venice (Italy): towards ecotoxicological and human health risk evaluation
Bocci, Barbanti, Castellani, Carafa, Carrer, Montobbio | Italy |
122 |
The use of satellite data in identifying phytoplankton Distribution Within A Pelagic Marine Protected Area
Petagna, Manca Zeichen, Finoia, Pascucci | Italy |
123 |
Geophysical investigation on the continental shelf of Cilento Peninsula (Southern Italy) to preliminary asses beach renourishment resources
Savini, Pennetta, Corselli | Italy |
124 |
Geomorphologic evolution, morphology and dynamics of the Coastal Dunes of Ceyhan Delta, Adana-Turkey
Ozaner | Turkey |
125 |
How effective is the integration between science and policy? The application of the European Water Directive to Mediterranean coastal waters: first practical examples
Casazza, Lopez y Royo, Spada, Silvestri | Italy |
126 |
Recent Findings using Optical Remote Sensing to assess Coastal and Marine Biological Processes in the Mediterranean Sea
Barale | Italy |
127 |
Integrated Coastal Management Strategies to Respond to Climate Changes in the Mediterranean Region
Muir, Shea | UK |
128 |
Monitoring of Posidonia Oceanica Meadows Along Tarquinia Coast (Central Tyrrhenian Sea) After Beach Nourishment
Nicoletti, Belluscio, La Valle, Ardizzone | Italy |
129 |
Coastal Management and Deteriotion of Coastal Landscape;A Case Study in Çaliş-Yanıklar Protected Beach at Fethiye-Turkey
Çınar | Turkey |
130 |
Wind Energy on the Shore Coast. Study Case on Galacia’s Coast, Spain
Fernández, Gómez-Alexandre, Zubillaga | Spain |
131 |
Compositions of Storm Surge, Wave and Runoff Probability Distributions and Geomorphological Threshold Assessment on the Rhone Delta Shoreline (Southern France)
Gaufrès, Sabatier | France |
132 |
Using Marine Surface Films as Indicators for Marine Processes in the Coastal Zone
Gade, Ermakov, Lavrova, Mitnik, da Silva, Woolf | Germany |
133 |
Wave-jet interaction: model development and experimental validation
Di Natale, Greco, Vicinanza | Italy |
134 |
Fishing Communities in Portugal – an integrated analysis
Gomes, Martins | Portugal |
135 |
Romanian Black Sea Shore - Necessary Actions towards an Integrate Coastal Zone Management for Erosion Control
Mateescu | Romania |
136 |
“Chronicle of a Death Foretold” Ecological Features of A Posidonia Oceanica Bed Impacted by Sand Extraction in the Island of Ischiga(Gulf of Naples, Italy)
Gambi, Dappiano, Lorenti, Iacono, Flagella, Buia | Italy |
137 |
The role of the social perception in the ICZM
Pinho, Martins, Figueiredo | Portugal |
138 |
An Evaluation of Priorities for Surfing Amenity on South Wales Beaches, UK
Phillips, Roberts, House, Williams | UK |
139 |
Whale Watching and the Collection of Cetecean Data: A Case Study of Whalewatch Azores
Phillips, Banfield, May, Jenkins | UK |
140 |
An Analysis of Sea Level Trends in the Bristol Channel/Severn Estuary, Wales, UK.
Phillips, Williams, Collins | UK |
141 |
Functional connected areas: Sea and land uses interaction
Gosar, Banovec, Steinman | Slovenia |
142 |
Innovative Plume Turbidity Monitoring During “Relict” Sand Dredging Activities for Beach Nourishment: An Application off Montalto Di Castro (Latium, Italy)
Barbanti, Chiarlo, Fornasiero, Gabellini, La Valle, Nicoletti | Italy |
143 |
Mass tourism and environmental sensibilities in the Costa Blanca: reconnecting people with sustainability
Caletrio-Garcera | UK |
144 |
Identifying Critical Habitats for Cetacea, Gower, South Wales, UK
Jenkins | UK |
145 |
Change of the waterbird community foraging in the Comacchio Lagoon (Po River Delta, N Adriatic)
Boldreghini, Dall’Alpi | Italy |
146 |
The Coastal Campaign
Katz, Papay | Israel |
147 |
Environmental Education in Zonal Coasts- A Case Study
Carvalho, Martins | Portugal |
148 |
Development of the Environmental Master Plan for the Marmara Sea Basin
Jonker, van der Valk, Smits, Kor, Gerritsen, Schelleman, Beumer, Gonenc | Netherlands |
149 |
Transformation and Planning of Coastal Tourism Regions
Gezici, Yazgan Gül, Alkay | Turkey |
150 |
A View from Çanakkale Coasts : Development of Gokceada
Altunbaş | Turkey |
151 |
Monitoring systems for a large scale beach erosion control and assessment
DiCosimo, Ligi, Lupino, Murchio, Palandri, Pranzini, Riccardi, Rossi | Italy |
152 |
Technical, environmental and economical problems linked to the borrowing of marine sand for reconstruction and maintenance of beaches under erosion (BEACHMED U.E. project)
Lupino, Riccardi | Italy |
153 |
Cost -Benefits analysis for beach nourishment and renourishment work
Lupino, Riccardi, Scaloni | Italy |
154 |
Costs analysis for construction of coastal defence works
Lupino, Riccardi, Scaloni | Italy |
155 |
Reduction of Wave Overtopping at Oostende
Geeraerts, De Rouck, Verwaest | Belgium |
156 |
Cephalic osteology of Atherina lagunae (Bizerta lagoon) and an insular population (Kerkennah’s islands)
Bouriga, Hamrouni, Meddeb, Trabelsi, Faure, Romdhane, Quignard, Maamouri | Tunisia |
157 |
Geomorphological Features of Kızılırmak Delta
Gazioğlu, Yücel, Burak, Doğan, Müftüoğlu | Turkey |
158 |
Characteristics of the Marmara Sea with special emphasis on the role of the discharge from the Strait of Istanbul (Bosporus)
Sur, Müftüoğlu, Gazioğlu, Altıok | Turkey |
159 |
Problems and Perspectives of Sand Beaches at Bulgarian Black Sea Resorts
Dachev, Trifonova, Stancheva | Bulgaria |
160 |
Parameters which Affect the Temporal Rate Coefficient of Equilibrium Bar Volume
Kömürcü, Kankal, Yüksek, Karasu | Turkey |
161 |
Statistical Analysis of Extreme Hydrological Data
Jensen, Mudersbach, Blasi | Germany |
162 |
Environmental implications of human economical and social paradigm: Sevastopol region coastal zone development case study
Radchenko | Ukraine |
163 |
Spatiotemporal evaluation of metallic contamination in Posidonia oceanica
Lafabrie, Ferrat, Pergent-Martini, Kantin, Pergent, Andral | France |
164 |
Remote Sensing Monitoring of Coastline Change in Karaburun Turkey
Bayram, Yuksel, Ari, Helvaci, Acar, Ozturk, Uzar, Coskun | Turkey |
165 |
New marine exotic species in the Tunisian waters
Souissi, Zaouali, Capapé, Quignard, Mejri, Mahjoub | Tunisia |
166 |
Reproduction of Trigla lucerna (PISCES: Triglidae) IN THE GULF OF GABÈS (TUNISIA)
Boudaya, Neifar, Bouain | Tunisia |
167 |
The Effects of Nourishment Material Size and Wave and Berm Heights on the Performance of Artificial Nourishment
Karasu, Yüksek, Kömürcü, Özölçer | Turkey |
168 |
Practical solutions for creating of new beaches in condition of Bulgarian Black Sea Coast
Nikolov, Trifonova, Nikolova | Bulgaria |
169 |
Use of the PCR-RFLP for the discrimination of a species of Oysters collected in the gulf of Gabès (Tunisia)
Salah, Lapègue, Neifar, Bouain | Tunisia |
170 |
Integration of Satellite Images and Numerical Models to Predict Shoreline Changes: Case Study El-Arish Coast, North Sonai, Egypt
Ahmed, Refaat, El-Liethy | Egypt |
171 |
A glance to the water exchanges in the Marmara Sea exit of the Dardanelles strait
Müftüoğlu, Sur, Altıok | Turkey |
172 |
Non-uniform Sediment Bed Deformation under Waves and Current Co-Action
Kantardgi, Vaitman | Russia |
173 |
The Natural and Social-Economical Characteristics of Absheron Offshore Zone
Natavan | Azerbaijan |
174 |
Environmental Scan Analysis for the Development of Waste Management Strategies: Kusadasi Example
Dolgen, Alpaslan, Kipkip,Serifoglu | Turkey |
175 |
Economical Importance of Tourism in Marmaris-Bodrum and Datca and the Dicersity of Tourism Activities
Sertkaya Doğan | Turkey |
176 |
Evaluation of Gediz Delta as a Coastal Wetlands System Against the Ongoing Cultural Pressures Using Geographic Information Systems
Kaplan | Turkey |
177 |
Planning of Seaports in Marmara Region
Emecen, Özen, Kara | Turkey |
178 |
Needed Regulations about NO x Emission from ships in Turkish Ports
Emecen | Turkey |
179 |
Intra-annual an inter-annual variability in chlorophyll distribution in the South Levantine Basin, as derived from 8 years of SeaWiFS observations (1997-2004)
Abudaya | UK |
180 |
Adoption of Erosion Rate-Based Shoreline Setbacks in Maui, Hawaii
Norcross, Abbott | USA |
181 |
Modern shoreline changes along the Nile Delta coast
Torab, Azab | Egypt |
182 |
Effect of Land-Based Sources of Pollution on the Levels of Nitrogeneous Species in a Coastal Mediterranean Basin Receiving Huge Amounts of Contaminated Waters
Saad, Younis | Egypt |
183 |
Hydraulic Problems of the Swell Interaction the Current in the Hydrants’ Rejection Works at Sea
Mihoubi, Hassane, Kettab | Algeria |
184 |
Coastal Landscapes and Conservation Issues: Side Case
Erdoğan | Turkey |
185 |
Tools for Integrated Coastal Knowledge Aimed at Resource Management: Applications in Some Areas of Sardinia (Italy)
Bagliani, Costa, Zanini | Italy |
186 |
Consideration of Freshwater ecosystems in locating marine reserves: emphasis on enclosed and semi-enclosed seas
Khanmohammadi, McAlpine, McPhee, Peterson | Australia |
187 |
Tsunami run-up evaluation for Cyprus Island
Türker | North Cyprus |
188 |
Impact of long-term sand dredging on the ecosystem in the Seto Inland Sea
Fujiwara, Kunii | Japan |
189 |
Constructed Wetlands for Municipal Domestic Wastewater Treatment in the Aegean Region
Pala, Erkaya | Turkey |
190 |
The Correlation Between the Heavy Metal Concentrations in the Suspended Particulate Material and Some Parameters of the Waters of İskenderun Bay
Türkmen, Türkmen, Naz, Mutlu | Turkey |
191 |
The sensitivity of the deltaic coastlines under erosional processes. Case study: The coastline of Pineios River – NW Aegean Sea/Greece
Anagnostou, Issaris | Greece |
192 |
The Preliminary Findings on the Status of the Marine Mammals of İzmir Bay
Güçlüsoy, Veryeri, Şükran | Turkey |
193 |
From nightmare to day dream in Black Sea
Dagci | Turkey |
194 |
Economical Study of Coastal Projects by Artificial Intelligence
Balas (Can) | Turkey |
195 |
Stock Discrimination of Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus (L. 1758)) in the Black, Marmara and Aegean Seas, Using Otolith Shape Analysis
Erdoğan, Turan, Torcu Koç | Turkey |
196 |
Some biological aspects of the lesser spotted dogfish (Chondrichthyes, Scyliorhinus canicula, Linnaeus, 1758) from the Edremit Bay, Turkey
Türker Çakır, Torcu Koç, Erdoğan | Turkey |
197 |
Restoration of Posidonia oceanica meadows: means and limitations
Gobert, Lepoint, Bouquegneau, Vangeluwe, Eisinger, Paster, Schuhmacher, van Treeck | Belgium |
198 |
Actıve Shorelıne Changes of Buyuk Menderes Rıver Delta in Last 50 Years
Süzen, Rojay | Turkey |
199 |
The aspects of terrenes degradation and desertification along Albanian Jonian Coast
Karadumi, Haskaj, Fida, Selenica, Demiraj, Starja, Minga Papandile, Samimi, | Albania |
200 |
Measurements of aeolian sand transport along two typical beaches of the Apulia region (Southern Italy)
De Santis, Palmentola , Cacciapaglia | Italy |
201 |
Joint analysis of Seal Level variability and sea color off the Tunisian coasts using remote sensed data
Gana, Kochlef | Tunisia |
202 |
Some considerations about coastal erosion hazard estimation, representation and causes
Valpreda, Simeoni, Rotunno | Italy |
203 |
Survival of Vibrio fluvialis under Starvation Conditions and Resuscitation of Viable, Nonculturable Cells
Nakbi, Besbes, Bakhrouf | Tunisia |
204 |
Beach Response to a Lowcrested Breakwater Project (Tirrenia, Italy)
Ferri, Pranzini, Wetzel | Italy |
205 |
Low Dikes to Prevent Flooding Along the Tuscany Coast
D’Eliso, Ferri, Aminti | Italy |
206 |
Preliminary Phenological Studies of Posidonia Oceanica (Linnaeus) Delile in the Coast Aegean Sea of Turkey
Dural,Yazıcı, Çakaloz, Nesil, Atalay | Turkey |
207 |
Investigation of Mercury Contamination in Vlora Bay (Albania)
Çullaj, Lazo | Albania |
208 |
Predicting Pollution Potential of Drinking Water Resources in Antalya City Using Geographical Information Systems and RS
Yıldırım, Ozden, Sarı, Topkayaü | Turkey |
209 |
Using Drastic Model in Order to Determine Vulnerability of Groundwater in Liman Region – Antalya
Ozden, Yıldırım | Turkey |
210 |
Effects of nutrient loading frequency on the growth of harmfull diatom Thalassiosira allenii Takano (Bacillariophyceae)
Şişman Aydın | Turkey |
211 |
Designing ecotouristic facilities for environmental recovery of domitio littoral
Valente | Italy |
212 |
The prospective analysis by Blue Plan as a base for a Mediterranean coastal strategy for sustainable development
Coudert | France |
213 |
Numerical Simulation of Wave Boundary Layer with Generalized Finite Difference Method
Tigrek, Ger, Tokdemir | Turkey |
214 |
Climate and its Impact on the erosion process in coastal area of Albania
Muçaj, Bruci, Kovaçi | Albania |
215 |
Wave Induced Circulation Pattern behind a Single Low-Crested Breakwater
Calabrese, Pasanisi, Buccino | Italy |
216 |
Spectral and Time-Domain Characteristics of the Waves Behind a Submerged Breakwater
Buccino, Calabrese, Pasanisi | Italy |
217 |
Sustainable Management Schemes for the Coastal Recreation Areas
Atik, Ortaçeşme | Turkey |
218 |
Golf Tourism and Coastal Environments Relations in the Leading Golf Course Region of Turkey
Ortaçeşme, Yıldırım | Turkey |
219 |
Modeling of circulation induced by atmospheric conditions on the background of constant baroclinic forcing in the Black and Azov Seas
Popov | Russia |
220 |
Time-Frequency Spectra of Wind Wave in the Coastal Zone
Cherneva | Bulgaria |
221 |
Alternative Tourism Model” for the Sustainable Development of the Coastal Areas
Şenlier | Turkey |
222 |
Combating Bulking Sludge with Physical - Chemical Methods
Yılmaz, Mazlum,Topkaya | Turkey |
223 |
Wave induced action on Venice gates foundation structures
Sammarco, Di Risio | Italy |
224 |
Scour holes around breakwaters induced by coastal currents
Alaee, Dastgheib | Iran |
225 |
COASTLEARN: A Multi-modular and Multi-lingual Distance Training Package on Integrated Coastal Zone Management
Lucius, Muhammetoglu, Pérez Valverde | Spain |
226 |
Water Pollution and Control along the Coastal Agricultural Area of Kumluca in Antalya - Turkey
Ayse Muhammetoglu, Çobanoglu, Birnur Uslu, Habib Muhammetoglu | Turkey |
227 |
Integrated Coastal Zone Management in South Antalya - Turkey
Muhammetoglu, Oguz, Karakoç, Karadirek | Turkey |
228 |
Coastal Waters of the SE Black Sea Represent Important Wintering Area for Two Cetacean Species:
Birkun, Komakhidze, Mukhametov, Krivokhizhin, Shpak, Komakhidze, Goradze & Kryukova |
Ukraine |
229 |
Legal Arrangements Concerning Access to the Beaches and Beach Utilisation:
Unal | Italy |
230 |
Environmental Management system In BTC Pipeline project in Georgia
Tetvadze | Georgia |
231 |
An Application of the Sustainability Indicators in Protected Areas
Pavlinovich | Croatia |
232 |
Numerical Performance of Offshore Submerged Breakwaters Used for Shore Protection
Matsoukis | Greece |
233 |
The influence of globalisation on city development
Golem | Croatia |
234 |
Exergy and anthropic influence in Mediterranean beach ecosystem
Vassallo, Marin, Moreno, Salvo, Vezzulli, Fabiano | Italy |
235 |
Ocean Wave Products at ECMWF
Janssen, Bidlot, Abdalla | UK |
236 |
Satellite Radar Altimeter Wave Height Verification and Assimilation
Janssen, Bidlot, Abdalla | UK |
237 |
Interannual and decadal variability in Posidonia oceanica production at regional scale
Buia, Guala, Flagella, Flagella, Cigliano, Gravina | Italy |
238 |
Assessment of the potential success of the invasive alga Asparagopsis taxiformis in the Mediterranean Sea
Flagella, Lorenti, Buia | Italy |
239 |
Impact of the Metal Rejections in Bay of Monastir
Sahnoun, Added, Abdeljaoued, Charef | Tunisia |
240 |
Tourism and Eco-Rent: A Practical Model
Simunovic, Fredetovic | Croatia |
241 |
The Assessment of Land Originated Pollution Carried to Antalya Gulf
Ozden, Yalcin | Turkey |
242 |
Modelling of bottom anticyclonic circulation in the Adriatic Sea
Lazar, Orlić | Croatia |
243 |
Impacts of Hydrocarbons on the Quality of Surface Water and the Surface Sediments in the Dimensions of Teboulba, Tunisia
Khedir-Ghenim, Zrafi, Hammami, Saidane | Tunisia |
244 |
Survival of Vibrio fluvialis under Starvation Conditions and Resuscitation of Viable, Nonculturable Cells
Nakbi, Besbes, Bakhrouf | Tunisia |
245 |
The Importance of Logistics and Maritime Trade for Turkey During the Globalisation
Incaz, Alkan | Turkey |
246 |
The Importance of the Main Ports of Turkey in Mediterranean Region and South-Eastern Anatolia Project
İncaz | Turkey |
247 |
The Situation of the European Union in the Developing Perspective of the Turkish Maritime Transportation
İncaz | Turkey |
248 |
State of Posidonia oceanica meadows around the Sardinian coasts
Buia, Giunta, Guala, Iacono, Silvestre, Tiberti | Italy |
249 |
Evolution of the Posidonia Oceanica Barrier Reef in th Gulf of Carini (NW Mediterranean Sea): A Structure of High Ecological Importance
Di Carlo, Toccaceli, Zava, Cimino | Italy |
250 |
Evaluation of Potential Mine Waste Pollution in Mejerda Catchment Area, Examples of Zinc, Arsenic, Antimony and Tungsten
Sahnoun, Ouzaa, Joron, Treuil, Added, Kassa, Abdeljaoued | Tunisia |
251 |
Spatial distribution of the phytoplankton, zooplankton and suspended matter in front of the Bulgarian part of the Black Sea in 2002
Petrova, Ivanova, Velikova, Mihneva | Bulgaria |
252 |
The Emiliania Huxley in Front of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast
Petrova, Velikova | Bulgaria |
253 |
Coastal Management aspects along the Southern Aegean Coast of Turkey
Pérez Valverde, Fernández and Dollma | Spain |
254 |
Coastal Zone Management and International Financial Institution Activity
Akkaya, Doğan | Turkey |
255 |
MedWetCoast: lessons learned from site management planning
Goyet | France |
256 |
Extreme and freak waves (problems of arising, forecasting and hindcasting)
Lopatoukhin | Russia |
257 |
Distribution and Origin of Aliphatic Hydracarbons South-Western Coast of Turkey (Dalaman)
Balci, Vaizogullar | Turkey |
258 |
Their interest for understanding beach's aptitude for management
Oueslati | Tunisia |
259 |
An Investigation of Wave, Energy and Sound Relationship: The Sound of Waves
Kabdaşlı ,Kırca , Dİikmen | Turkey |
260 |
Nutrients and Pytoplankton Dynamics in the Duden River Estuary, Antalya Bay
Tugrul Icemer, Keles | Turkey |
261 |
Hydrocarbon Contamination of Coastal Sediments from the Gabes Gulf (Tunisia), Mediterranean Sea
Bahri, Mzoughi, Belayouni, Bakhrouf, Saidane-Mosbahi | Tunisia |
262 |
Geological and Biological Evidences of Lagoonal Origin of Bogacay Coastal Plain (Antalya-SW Turkey)
Dipova, Tugrul-Icemer | Turkey |
263 |
Distribution of heavy mineral concentrations in Pamucak Beach sediments from the Kuşadası Gulf, eastern Aegean Sea (Turkey)
Ergin | Turkey |
264 |
Black B and textile wastewater biodegradation by acclimated biomasses
Chniti, Dhief, Chariaa, Bakhrouf | Tunisia |
265 |
On the Threshold of Either Rise or Fall:
Çilingir, Dündar, Yörür, Altınörs | Turkey |
266 |
Container Forecasting to Macro and Micro Projection
Budak, Gokkus | Turkey |
267 |
Future Berth Requirements for Container Port of Izmir
Eren, Gokkus | Turkey |
268 |
Preliminary Study on Layout of Berths and Storage Area of the North-Aegean Container Port Planned in İzmir
Gokkus, Eren, Sinir | Turkey |
269 |
ICZM some ten years after RIO: were do we stand and which way to go?
van der Meulen | Netherlands |
270 |
Length-Weight Relationships for Lithognathus Mormyrus in the Mediterranean Coast of Alexandria waters
Osman | Egypt |
271 |
The Regional Impacts of Effluents from Wastewater Treatment Plants Along Antalya Bay
Yalcin, Muhammetoglu | Turkey |
272 |
The Feasibility Study of Deep-water Port Extension Project in the Port of Kaohsiung
Kuo | Taiwan |
273 |
Coastal Area in Existing Legislation Evaluation of Existing Implementation in Turkey and A Proposal to Renovate Existing Situation in the Frame of Integrated Coastal Zone Management Approach
Alarslan | Turkey |
274 |
Grain size analysis along Büyük Menderes Delta shoreline, Turkey
Fulat, Toprak, Özhan, Süzen | Turkey |
275 |
Establishing the Coast Boarder Line and the Problems in the Implementation
Akca | Turkey |
276 |
Investigation of Groundwater Flow Behavior in Response to Beach Dewatering by Numerical Simulation
Onder, Goler | Turkey |
277 |
The Ecosystem of El Meleh Lagoon of Slimene (Ne of Tunisia)
Ben Ahmed, Gueddari | Tunisia |
278 |
Phenology and dynamics of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa
Mostafa, Shabaka, Mitwally, Halim | Egypt |
279 |
Impact of Wastewater on the bacterial community in the marin littoral Monastir (TUNISIA)
Cheriaa, Bakhrouf |
280 |
Lagoon System Development in Al-Khiran Area - Kuwait
Al-Hulail |
281 |
Single and Dual-energy X-ray Computer Tomography and Digital Radiography Investigation of Black Sea and Danube River Sedimentary Cores
Iovea, Oaie, Duliu, Bodale, Mateiasi, Neagu |
282 |
Coastal Geomorphology and implications of the future sea level rise at part of the eastern coast of Gulf of Argos (Peloponnese, Greece)
Karymbalis, Seni | Greece |
283 |
Polyurethane in hydraulic and coastal engineering
Kilic |