Call for Papers - MEDCOAST 2005
25-29 October 2005, Pine Bay Holiday Resort, Kusadasi, Turkey
Since the first conference organised in Antalya, Turkey during 2-5 November 1993, six events in the "Mediterranean Coastal Environment" conference series of MEDCOAST have made this series a major international scientific and environmental meeting, focusing on the management of the coastal and sea areas of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. The past six conferences produced 16 volumes of proceedings, adding up to nearly 11500 pages, and four special issues of two leading coastal management journals. These meetings, together with three thematic workshops and one specialty conference, organised over a period of eleven years, have created a steadily growing group of MEDCOAST people, among which various significant collaboration initiatives have developed.
When MEDCOAST was initiated about 14 years ago, the goal was to enhance collaboration among various actors at the regional scale of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, which would lead to products and instruments contributing to better management of the coastal and sea areas. More or less at the same time in the Mediterranean, and a few years later in the Black Sea, similar efforts were started at the governmental levels. In this very suitable environment, MEDCOAST's initial goal was highly achieved by the establishment of very productive international links under the umbrella offered by the MEDCOAST network. Furthermore, the collaboration extended across two basins. MEDCOAST was one of the first channels through which Mediterranean and Black Sea problems and experiences flow through for addressing them collaboratively.
MEDCOAST conferences always aim to achieve very high levels of scientific and professional qualities. At the same time, they are relaxed and enjoyable events carried out in a casual, friendly atmosphere and attractive environment. Together with the fourth conference, the poster sessions have achieved a great importance and became an important event of the conference program. This provides greater opportunities for mutual interaction of the participants. Another welcomed change was the inclusion of thematic presentation and discussion sessions, organised jointly by other institutions.
With MEDCOAST 2005, the conference moves to an attractive town on the shores of the Aegean Sea. We expect to have another successful event in the magnificent setting offered by Kusadasi, enhanced by the traditional Turkish hospitality and rich culture (including the cuisine, wine and spirits!). Scientists, experts, managers, planners, policy makers, resource developers, users and conservationists from both the Mediterranean and the Black Sea countries, or from outside the basins, are cordially invited to participate!
* Physical features
Physical geography, coastal geology, geomorphology and sedimentology;
Coastal landscapes;
* Coastal oceanography
* Coastal and marine ecosystems, biology and ecology
* Conservation issues, biodiversity, endangered species, habitat protection; coastal and submarine archaeology,
* Protected areas, coastal and marine parks.
* Integrated coastal management - theoretical framework and case reports;
* Coastal management tools and instruments
* Coastal and sea policy, integration of science and policy;
* Coastal governance, institutional arrangements for implementing coastal management;
* Legal, economic and social issues, economic instruments; international aspects;
* Environmental and ecological economics;
* Education, public involvement & NGO role, Media role;
* Evaluation of ICM impacts;
* Coastal ecosystem management;
* Rehabilitation of damaged ecosystems;
* Mammals, problem of exotic species, invasive species,
* Coastal wetlands, coastal dunes, estuaries, deltas and lagoons; watershed management;
* Management of ancient sites, monuments and ship wrecks;
* Beaches and their management
* Coastal water resources management
*Water quality management, water pollution, sediment pollution, land based sources of pollution, toxic organisms and harmful algal blooms, bio-indicators of pollution and monitoring, pollution control, sea outfalls, litter, waste water treatment, reuse and recycling, hazardous and solid wastes management, transboundary pollution issues;
* Coastal impacts, coastal degradation
* Environmental impacts, environmental impact assessment (EIA) for coastal projects, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).
* Environmental risk management
* Sustainable development concerns, sustainable development of coastal and sea resources;
* Coastal land use, urban development issues
* Coastal tourism planning and management, facility sitting, marinas, yachting, ecotourism, recreation, waterfront renovation
* Living resources, fisheries, mariculture;
* Transportation issues: oil transport and pollution;
* Sitting of major industrial facilities;
* Coastal, environmental and ecosystem modelling;
* Coastal hydrodynamics
* Coastal sediment transport and erosion
* Coastal processes; shoreline management and erosion control;
* Coastal engineering
* Water level changes, sea level rise and consequences;
* Ecocoastal engineering, environmentally sensitive development;
* Monitoring of coastal environment.
* Use of remote sensing technology and geographic information systems in coastal management.
Özhan, Erdal, (Chair) Chairman of MEDCOAST and Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Mugla University, Mugla, Turkey
Abdelbaki, A., Laboratoire D’Etudes Maritimes, Alger, Algeria
Barale, V., JRC of the EC, Ispra, Italy
Baric, A., GEF Project Coordinator, UNEP-MAP, Athens, Greece
Bologa, A., Romanian Marine Research Institute, Romania
Brambati, A., Univ. of Trieste, Italy
Casazza, G., APAT, Rome, Italy
Cicin-Sain, B., JOCM, Delaware, USA
Cinelli, F., Univ. of Pisa, Italy
D’Argenio, B., CNR, Naples, Italy
De Vriend, H., Delft Hydraulics, The Netherlands
El Abed, A., INSTM, Salammbô, Tunisia
Ergin, A., Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Gvilava, M., ICZM Centre, Tbilisi, Georgia
Hatziolos, M.E., The World Bank, Washington D.C., USA
Jeftic, L., Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea, UK
Kos’yan, R., Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Gelendzhik, Russia
Kullenberg, G., International Ocean Institute, Canada
Kumamoto, N., Hokkaigakuen University, Sapporo, Japan
La Monica, G.B., Univ. of Rome, Italy
Liberatore, G., University of Udine, Italy
Lupia Palmieri, E., Univ. of Rome, Italy
Mee, L.D., University of Plymouth, UK
Micallef, A., Euro Med. Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics, Malta
Moutzouris, C., National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Nordstrom, K., Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA
Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., ICRAM, Rome, Italy
Oliounine, I., International Ocean Institute, Malta
Palmentola, G., Univ. of Bari, Italy
Panin, N., National Institute Of Marine Geology And Geo-Ecology, Romania
Pavasovic, A., Former Director, UNEP-MAP PAP/RAC, Croatia
Pergent, G., University of Corsica, Corte, France
Pergent-Martini, C., University of Corsica, Corte, France
Pranzini, E., Univ. of Florence, Italy
Sanchez-Arcilla, A., Catalunya University of Technology, Barcelona, Spain
Sharaf El-Din, S.H., Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Simunovic, I., University of Split, Croatia
Sorensen, J., University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA
Spezie, G., Univ. of Naples, Italy
Stiassnie, M., Cameri-Technion, Haifa, Israel
Stive, M.J.F., Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Trumbic, I., UNEP-MAP PAP/RAC, Split, Croatia
Vallega, A., ICCOPS & University of Genoa, Italy
Van der Meulen, F., International CZM Centre, The Netherlands
Van der Weide, J., The Netherlands
Veloso-Gomes, F., University of Porto, Portugal
Williams, A.T., University of Glamorgan, UK
A number of key MEDCOAST people and the representatives of the Turkish universities will form the Program Committee.
Necdet Alpaslan, Dokuz Eylul University
Ahmet Balci, Mugla University
Osman E. Colakoglu, Adnan Menderes University
Umit Erdem, Ege University
Ahmet Kocatas, Ege University
Erdal Özhan, MEDCOAST, (Chairman)
Ayse Serifoglu, Kusadasi Municipality
A large number of international, national and private organisations are invited for sponsoring and supporting the conference. The complete list of sponsors and supporters will be provided in the first bulletin.
Certain topics may be better presented in the MEDCOAST 2005 Poster Session. If you wish to make a poster presentation, please so indicate in your abstract.
Prospective Poster Session participants should submit proposals to MEDCOAST 2005 Conference, using the abstract format described opposite, clearly indicating that a poster paper is proposed.
A poster competition will take place and a jury will review and evaluate all poster presentations. Best Poster Prizes will be given during the Closing Session to the winners of the competition.
A variety of social and cultural events will be included in the program. A half-day cultural visit to famous ancient sites and a full day technical trip to significant coastal areas will be included in the conference program.
A rich choice of post-conference tours will be made available to the participants for extending their enjoyable stay in Turkey.
The closest international airport to the conference hotel is Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport.
There may be direct flights to Izmir or connected flights via Istanbul to Izmir. We are expecting the participants to arrive on the 24th October. On the 24th we will provide travel assistance from the Adnan Menderes Airport to the conference hotel.
Participants who will not attend the Post-Conference Tour are expected to leave on October 30th . On that day, we will provide assistance for your travel from the conference hotel to Adnan Menderes Airport.
Participants who will attend the Post-Conference Tour are expected to leave on November 1st . Travel assistance will be provided on that day from the Dalaman Airport. The flights may again be connected flights via Istanbul.
From Istanbul, below bus companies have services to Kusadasi:
VARAN 1-way: 67 YTL 2-way: 121 YTL
Kusadasi----Istanbul 21:30
Istanbul-----Kusadasi 00:15 (Atasehir)
ULUSOY 1-way: 59 YTL 2-way: 110 YTL
Kusadasi----Istanbul 21:30
Istanbul-----Kusadasi 20:30 (Merter)
21:45 (Küçükyali)
KAMIL KOÇ 1-way: 41 YTL
Kusadasi----Istanbul 20:45
Istanbul-----Kusadasi 06:00
20:00 (Esenler)
Kusadasi----Istanbul 10:45
Istanbul-----Kusadasi 14:30 (Esenler)
For abstract submission and general information, contact Conference Secretariat:
MEDCOAST Secretariat
c/o Middle East Technical University
06531 Ankara - Turkey
Abstracts for MEDCOAST 2005 Conference must be submitted no later than January 31, 2005, to MEDCOAST Secretariat.
They should be limited to single-spaced one page, and list the names, titles, affiliations, mailing addresses, telephone and facsimile numbers,
e-mail addresses of each author.
Abstracts should summarise the major theme, findings and conclusions of the paper to be presented in the conference. The last name of each author and co-author, should be underlined. In the upper right hand corner of the first page, one of the topics of MEDCOAST 2005 Conference which is addressed by your paper, must be indicated. If necessary, you may use another topic that is not on the list. In case the paper is co-authored, please indicate at the end of the abstract, the person who will present the paper at the conference.
Abstracts may be submitted by mail, e-mail or fax (see the left corner below for postal and e-mail addresses, and the fax number). However, a soft copy will be requested from the authors of the selected abstracts who have not used e-mail at the initial submission.
Notification of acceptance of the paper presentation, together with format for preparation of manuscripts and submission instructions, will be mailed, e-mailed or faxed to the first authors from MEDCOAST Secretariat by February 28, 2005. The final camera-ready paper, prepared in full accordance with the instructions, will be required by June 30, 2005, in hard copy and in a CD from accepted authors for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings.
The Program Committee and MEDCOAST Secretariat will accept or reject papers based on the information in the abstracts and will assign accepted papers to appropriate sessions.
Abstract Submission: January 31, 2005
Acceptance Notification: February 28, 2005
Camera -Ready Final Paper: June 30, 2005
Click for the Registration Form in MS-Word format
Registration Alone
____ | EURO 550 | (Before July 30, 2005) |
____ | EURO 650 | (After July 30, 2005) |
Registration with Accomodation (Full board up to 6 days in the conference hotel)
____ | EURO 850 | (Before July 30, 2005) |
____ | EURO 950 | (After July 30, 2005) |
Accompanying Persons:
Registration Alone
____ | EURO 300 | (Before July 30, 2005) |
____ | EURO 350 | (After July 30, 2005) |
Registration with Accomodation (Full board up to 6 days in the conference hotel)
____ | EURO 550 | (Before July 30, 2005) |
____ | EURO 600 | (After July 30, 2005) |
Registration Alone
____ | EURO 275 | (Before July 30, 2005) |
____ | EURO 325 | (After July 30, 2005) |
Registration with Accomodation (Full board up to 6 days in the conference hotel)
____ | EURO 575 | (Before July 30, 2005) |
____ | EURO 625 | (After July 30, 2005) |
____ I intend to participate in the Conference.
____ I would like to get more information about exhibition facilities.
Name: (Prof/Dr/Mr/Ms) ___________________________________________________
Organisation: ____________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________________________
Facsimile: ______________________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________
TOTAL: EURO____________________________
Signature: ________________________________
I made a bank transfer for EURO ____________ to MEDCOAST account.
Bank name: Garanti Bankasi, Bahcelievler Subesi, Ankara, Turkey
Swift address: TGBATRISXXX
Account Number:
Please return the completed registration form to:
MEDCOAST Secretariat
Middle East Technical University,
06531 Ankara - Turkey