13-17 November 2007, Alexandria, Egypt



Abdelbaki, A., Laboratoire D'Etudes Maritimes, Algeria
Abdel Rahman, S.H., NIOF, Egypt
Abu Seida, M., CORI, Egypt
Barale, V., JRC of the EC, Italy
Baric, A., GEF Project Coordinator, UNEP-MAP, Greece
Beltagy, A. I., NIOF, Egypt
Casazza, G., APAT, Italy
Cicin-Sain, B., JOCM, USA
Coccossis, H., University of Aegean, Greece
De Vriend, H., Delft Hydraulics, The Netherlands
Delaney, R., University of Massachusetts, USA
El Abed, A., INSTM, Tunisia
El Samra, M. I., NIOF, Egypt
El Sherief, Z., NIOF, Egypt
Gvilava, M., ICZM Centre, Georgia
Hatziolos, M.E., The World Bank, USA
Hilaly, N., CORI, Egypt
Khafagy, A., CORI, Egypt
Kos’yan, R., Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russia
Kumamoto, N., Hokkaigakuen University, Japan
Liberatore, G., University of Udine, Italy
Mayza, I. A., NIOF, Egypt
Mee, L.D., University of Plymouth, UK
Micallef, A., Euro Med. Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics, Malta
Moutzouris, C., National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Mubarak, I., CORI, Egypt
Panin, N., National Inst. of Marine Geology and Geo-Ecology, Romania
Pavasovic, A., Former Director, UNEP-MAP PAP/RAC, Croatia
Pergent, G., University of Corsica, France
Pergent-Martini, C., University of Corsica, France
Pranzini, E., Univ. of Florence
Said, M., NIOF, Egypt
Sanchez-Arcilla, A., Catalunya University of Technology, Spain
Sharaf El-Din, S.H., AFME, Egypt
Simunovic, I., University of Split, Croatia
Sorensen, J., University of Massachusetts, USA
Stiassnie, M., Cameri-Technion, Israel
Stive, M.J.F., Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Tabet-Aoul, E.H., France
Trumbic, I., UNEP-MAP PAP/RAC, Croatia
Van der Meulen, F., International CZM Centre, The Netherlands
Van der Weide, J., Delft Hydraulics, The Netherlands
Veloso-Gomes, F., University of Porto, Portugal
Williams, A.T., University of Glamorgan, UK


Since the first conference organized in Antalya, Turkey during 2-5 November 1993, eight events of the MEDCOAST’s "Mediterranean Coastal Environment" conference series have made this series a major international scientific and environmental meeting, focusing on the management of the coastal and sea areas in general and of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea in particular. It has become one of the most regularly organized conferences in its field, producing valuable outcomes that include 20 volumes of proceedings adding up to nearly 15 000 pages and five special issues of two leading coastal management journals. These bi-annual conferences, together with three thematic workshops, one special conference and twelve events of two series of training programs, have created a steadily growing group of MEDCOAST people, among which various significant collaboration initiatives have developed.

The idea of MEDCOAST for enhancing collaboration among various actors to produce means and products contributing to better management of the coastal and sea areas of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea is already 16 years old. Through invaluable, voluntary contributions of many friends over this period, MEDCOAST has achieved the status of a valued actor in the field of integrated coastal management, honoured by important international awards and recognitions. We are especially proud to have produced the ever-growing “MEDCOAST family” of people who has similar concerns for the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.

The year of 2007 will have a special place in the history of MEDCOAST due to formal establishment of the Mediterranean Coastal Foundation (or the MEDCOAST Foundation as we shall often call it)! We now enter a new challenging period for becoming a long lasting Mediterranean/Black Sea institution, enriching our traditional activities and involving greater number of experts and researchers from all around the world, especially from the Mediterranean and the Black Sea countries as key people to lead new MEDCOAST initiatives.

MEDCOAST conferences have always thrived for high levels of scientific and professional qualities. Response to the eighth conference (over 300 abstracts were submitted) was very satisfactory from all around the Mediterranean and the Black Sea despite the relatively short time that we had for its organization. We expect to have another successful event in the magnificent setting offered by Alexandria, enhanced by the rich Egyptian culture and hospitality! Scientists, experts, managers, planners, policy makers, resource developers, users and conservationists from both the Mediterranean and the Black Sea countries, or from outside the basins, are cordially invited to participate!


All activities of MEDCOAST 07 will take place at the premises of the Sheraton Montazah Hotel, Alexandria, Egypt.


Erdal Özhan, Chairman, Mediterranean Coastal Foundation, MEDCOAST


Mohamed M. Attia Shreadah, President, National Institute of Oceanography & Fisheries
Ibrahim Abdelmagid Elshinnawy, Director, Coastal Research Institute, National Water Research Centre
S.H. Sharaf El Din, Chairman, Arab Foundation for Marine Environment


Abd El Razik, F., NIOF
Al-Asaal, A. A., CORI
Borhan, M., CORI
El Abed, A., INSTM, Salammbô, Tunisia
El Sayies A. A., NIOF
Emara, H. I., NIOF
Fahmy, H., CORI
Frihy, O., CORI
Gawish, M., CORI
Gerges, M. A., NIOF
Micallef, A., ICOD, Malta
Özhan, E., MEDCOAST, Turkey
Pergent, G. Univ. of Corsica, France
Sanchez-Arcilla, A., Catalunya University of Technology, Spain
Sharaf El-Din, S.H., AFME, Egypt
Tadrous, A. B., NIOF
Van der Meulen, F., Coastal Management Centre, The Netherlands
Van der Weide, J., Delft Hydraulics, The Netherlands,
Williams, A.T., University of Glamorgan, U.K.


Abu Bakr I. Abu Zed, CORI
Tarek Mohamed Ali, Pharos University
Medhat Abdel Mohsen Ali, CORI
Mohamed M. A. El Sayed, Faculty of Science, Alex. University
Moheb Mina Eskander, CORI
Isam Abd El Halim, CORI
AMr Zakaria Hamouda, NIOF
Essan Hassan Hashem, Egyp.Environ. Affairs Agency
AMr Moneer Helal, NIOF
Mohamed Moharam, Alexandria Business Association
Walid Mohamed Mahmoud Omar, CORI
Tarek Othman Said, NIOF
Nevin Mohamed Abu Shabana, NIOF
Samy Mohamed Sherief, CORI
Eman Ibrahim Siam, Arab Acad. for Scie., Tech. and Maritime Trans.
Salah Soliman, Bibliotheca Alexandria
UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan, The Coordinating Unit
Turkish National Committee for Coastal Zone Management


15:00 - 18:00 REGISTRATION

08:00 - 09:00 REGISTRATION
09:00 - 10:30 OPENNING SESSION
10:30 - 11:00 COFFEE BREAK
11:00 - 12:30 K1 (KEYNOTE SESSION)
12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH BREAK
14:00 - 15:45 A1 (4) B1 (4)
15:45 - 16:15 COFFEE BREAK
16:15 - 18:00 A2 (4 ) B2 (4)

09:00 - 10:15 A3 (3) B3 (3) C3 (3)
10:15 - 10:45 COFFEE BREAK
10 45 - 12 30 A4 (5) B4 (5)
12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH BREAK
14:00 - 18:00 CULTURAL TRIP to the City of Alexandria

09:00 - 10:30 A5 (4) B5 (4) C5 (3)
10:15 - 12:45 COFFEE BREAK
10:45 - 12:30 S1: EU SMAP III Session – ICM in the Mediterranean
12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH BREAK
14:00 - 15:50 S2: EU Round Table: Research Needs for ICM in the Mediterranean & the Black Sea
15:50 - 16:20 COFFEE BREAK
16:20 - 18:00 POSTER SESSION I

09:00 - 10:50 A6 (5) B6 (5)
10:50 - 11:10 COFFEE BREAK
11:10 - 12:50 POSTER SESSION II
12:50 - 16:00 LUNCH BREAK




12 November 2007 Monday

15:00-18:00 Registration (at Sheraton Montazah Hotel)

13 November 2007 Tuesday

08:00 Registration

09:00 Opening Session

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 K1: Keynote session
(Chairperson: Makram A. Gerges - Gerard Pergent)

11:00 The use of IUCN and Ramsar Guidelines in ICZM - A case study, Weide, Gabunia, Janalidze
11:30 Importance of protected areas in coastal and marine conservation: A case study from north Lebanon, Lakkis, Sabour
12:00 Evolution of Rosetta Promontory on Nile Delta Coast during the period from 1500 to 2005, Egypt, El Sayed, Ali, Iskander, Fanos

12:30 Lunch break

14:00 Oral session 1

Session 1A: Integrated Coastal Management
(Chairperson: Soliman Hammed Abdel Rahman - Jentje van der Weide)

14:00 ICAM in Croatia - Another plan or strategic projects?, Sumpor, Dokic
14:20 Strengthening the management of coastal zone, Sztobryn, Krzyminski, Stepko, Letkiewicz
14:40 Towards an ICZM plan for the Western Mediterranean coast of Egypt, González-Riancho, R. Medina, Sanò, Borhan
15:00 Discussion

Session 1B: Hydrodynamics, Coastal Engineering (Chairperson: Magnus Larson - Ibrahim Amin A. Maiyza)

14:00 3D Modelling of density induced coastal currents, Balas, Tunaboylu
14:20 Hydrodynamics in a mussel culture area in Thermaikos Gulf, Savvidis, Antoniou, Dimitriadis, Moriki, Galinou-Mitsoudi, Alvanou, Petridis, Koutitas
14:40 Discharges to the sea from desalination plants, Ruiz-Mateo, Antequera, González
15:00 Morphodynamic evolution of diffracting profiles - preliminary results, Medina-Villaverde, Sánchez-Arcilla, López, Prada
15:20 Discussion

15:45 Coffee break

16:15 Oral session 2

Session 2A: Tools and Instruments for Integrated Coastal Management I
(Chairperson: Mohamed El Samra - Marko Prem)

16:15 The approach Imagine to contribute to sustainable coastal area management in the Mediterranean, Coudert, Larid
16:35 Islands of theory in a sea of practice: Implementation theory and coastal management, House, Phillips
16:55 Sustainability systems appraisal for Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Gallagher
17:15 Recent policies and tools for ecological evaluation of the Mediterranean Sea, Casazza, Lopez y Royo, Dalù, Saccomandi, Spada, Silvestri
17:35 Discussion

Session 2B: Shoreline Management I
(Chairperson: Lale Balas - Alit El Beltegy)

16:15 Interference with supplies of sediments to coasts, Magoon, Treadwell
16:35 Environmental issues, social perception and coastal erosion management: Case studies from Cyprus, Loizidou, Loizides
16:55 Monitoring of the first complex nourishment in Emilia-Romagna Region, Albertazzi, Preti, De Nigris
17:15 Impact of coastal erosion and sedimentation along the northern coast of the Sinai Peninsula, Larson, Hanson, Hamed, Balah, Tolba
17:35 Discussion

EVENING Official opening reception

14 November 2007 Wednesday

09:00 Oral session 3

Session 3A: Tools and Instruments for Integrated Coastal Management II
(Chairperson: Osman El Rayis - Mike Philipps)

09:00 Ocean Fundamental Law and its possible influences on ICZM in Japan, Wakita
09:20 Coastal zone management plans: Old ideas, new tools, Calado, Quintela
09:40 Detailed conception of coastal strip spatial arrangements, Gosar, Prešeren, Mlakar, Poljšak
10:00 Discussion

Session 3B: Shoreline Management II
(Chairperson: Hans Hanson - Samir Nasr)

09:00 Longshore sediment transport modelling: an application to Ordu, Ýnan, Ülger, Balas
09:20 Protection measures for improvement of the Zygi coastal section, Iacovou, Sofos, Zervos
09:40 Grain size distribution and related depositional conditions on the modern Patara Beach (SW-Turkey), Ergin, Karakaþ, Sözeri, Özdogan
10:00 Discussion

Session 3C: Coastal & Environmental Impacts
(Chairperson: Aida Botros - Martin Gade)

09:00 A regional risk assessment framework for climate change coastal impacts evaluation, Torresan, Critto, Dalla Valle, Harvey, Marcomini
09:20 Effects of beach nourishment on Donax trunculus in the Latium coasts (Central Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy), La Valle, Belluscio, Nicoletti, Paganelli, Ardizzone
09:40 Environmental impact assessment for coastal resorts using electronic model, Soliman, Kamel, Hassan
10:00 Discussion

10:15 Coffee break

10:45 Oral session 4

Session 4A: Coastal and Marine Protection and Conservation (Chairperson: Maria Cristina Buia - Ismail Mobarak)

10:45 Constraints, limits and perspectives for Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Rhone River Delta, Chauvelon
11:05 The threats on the biodiversity of Gökova SPA and solutions for a sustainable environment, Okuþ, Yüksek, Yýlmaz, Aslan-Yýlmaz, Demirel, Karhan, Demir, Zeki, Yokeþ, Tural, Koç
11:25 Landscape management in the Mediterranean, Prem
11:45 K'Gari or Paradise Island, Fernández
12:05 Integrated management of archaeological heritage: Mediterranean coasts of Turkey, Naycý, Güçhan
12:25 Discussion

Session 4B: Coastal and Marine Ecology
(Chairperson: Mauro Fabiano - Ahmed Ibrahim)

10:45 Spatial variability in a Posidonia oceanica meadow, Buia, Oliva, Zupo
11:05 Evaluation of the Pah contamination of Posidonia oceanica, Labbé, Pergent-Martini, Kantin, Pergent
11:25 Environmental conditions of the Suez Gulf and the Red Sea coastal waters, Egypt, Abo-El-Khair, Abdel-Halim, Shreadah, Fahmy
11:45 Assessment of marine bottom fauna at Damietta Port - Eastern Mediterranean, Moustafa, Atta, El Sammak, Sarawi
12:05 Is the benthic assemblage of Meiofauna affected by the heavy metal pollutants?, Mitwally, Khadr, ElDin, Samir, El-Sayed, El Sabarouti
12:25 Discussion

12:30 Lunch break

14:00 Cultural Trip to the City of Alexandria

18:00 Free

15 November 2007 Thursday

09:00 Oral session 5

Session 5A: Beach Management
(Chairperson: Pedro Fernández Carrasco - Hosmy Emara)

09:00 Application of participatory method for beach management, Marin, Ivaldi, Palmisani, Fabiano
09:20 Beach consequences of an industrial heritage: Future opportunities for Scotland and Wales, UK?, Phillips, Duck, Williams
09:40 Analysis of beach users’ perception in tourist coastal areas: A Case Study in the Costa Brava, Spain, Villares, Roca
10:00 Discussion

Session 5B: Environmental Monitoring, Marine Biology & Biochemistry
(Chairperson: Fatma Abdel Razik - Cecilia Silvestri)

09:00 Sustainable development and monitoring in the Mediterranean Sea – Egypt, El-Sakka, El Soud
09:20 Histology and ultrastructure of the Corpuscles of Stannius in Oreachromis niloticus and Epinephelus tuvina (Teleosts), Abdel-Aziz, Abdu, Osman, Fouad
09:40 Biological studies of Spicara smaris (Teleostei: Centracanthidae) in Egyptian Mediterranean Waters, Osman, Barr
10:00 Coatings containing marine natural products for bacterial slime film control, Tadros, El-Naggar
10:20 Discussion

Session 5C: Sea Level Change, Remote Sensing
(Chairperson: Mustafa Ergin - Mohamed Said)

09:00 Seasonal and long term variations of sea level and meteorological conditions along the Egyptian coast, El-Din, Abdelrahman, El Meligy
09:20 Coupling between algal blooms and wind patterns in two near-coastal regions of the Mediterranean Sea, Barale, Gade
09:40 Marine surface films in the coastal zone: What can we learn using remote sensing data?, Gade, Byfield, Ermakov, Kostianoy, Lavrova, Mamedov, Mitnik, da Silva, Stanichny, Woolf
10:00 Discussion

10:15 Coffee break

10:45 S1-EU SMAP III Session - ICM in the Mediterranean

10:45 Contribution of SMAP III TA to the consolidation of ICZM across the Mediterranean, Baijot, Le Tissier
11:05 A pilot project for ICM in Turkey: The Gökova Project (The EU SMAP III Programme), Özhan, Koþar
11:25 Integrated coastal management: the AMIS project, Algeria, Gabbianelli, Fabbri, Ulazzi, Soldati, Gonella, Kocheida, Galli, Marsala, Ali
11:45 Other SMAP III project presentations
12:15 Discussion

12:30 Lunch break

14:00 S2-EU Round Table: Research Needs for ICM in the Mediterranean & the Black Sea
(Chairperson: Erdal Özhan - S.H. Sharaf El Din)

15:50 Coffee break

16:20 Poster session 1

1.1 Coastal zone planning and management in Ýstanbul, Berna Ayat, Zeynep Üzmez, Esin Özkan Çevik and Yalçýn Yüksel
1.2 Beylikdüzü (SW Ýstanbul) coastal planning project, Erdoðan Okuþ, Vehbi Orakçý, T. Ahmet Ertek, Sedat Kapdaþlý, Cem Gazioðlu, Ali Fuat Aydýn, Zeki Yaþar Yücel, Hakan Kaya, Ertuðrul Doðan:
1.3 Identifying critical habitats for Cetacea, Gower, UK, R. E. Jenkins
1.4 Towards management of Nile Delta coastal sand dunes, Mahmoud M. El Banna
1.5 A re-analysis of the AD 365 tsunami impact along the Egyptian Coast, Amr Hamouda
1.6 The Ecotourism Potential of the Gulf of Aqaba Coast and South Sinai, Egypt, Sherine Khalil
1.7 Alternative tourism opportunities for coastal area of Turkey, Mükerrem Arslan and Lerzan Y. Erdinç
1.8 Evaluation of “Patara Specially Protected Area” in the frame of ecotourism, Elmas Erdoðan and Lerzan Y. Erdinç
1.9 Evaluation and forming of competitiveness of a tourist region, Nataliya Matyushchenko
1.10 Landscape study as basis for creation of nature trails on Russian Black Sea Coast, M. Petrushina, A. Glukhov, E. Kuznetsova and V. Matasov
1.11 Fragmented cityscapes and conflicting land uses by the Mediterranean Sea: Experiences from Antalya, M. Selçuk Sayan
1.12 Life quality of residential areas in the coastal settlements of Turkey, Nihal Þenlier, Tayfun Salihoðlu and Reyhan Yýldýz
1.13 Port environmental management system: A case study for Turkey, Gülsüm Aydýn, Güler Bilen Alkan and Necmettin Akten
1.14 Marine fish resources in Lebanese coastal waters, Sami Lakkis and Waad Sabour
1.15 Water masses and phosphorus transportation along the Egyptian Coast of the Nile Delta, M.A. Said and A. El-Saharty
1.16 Zooplankton abundance and biomass in the coastal waters of Alexandria, Egypt, Howaida Y. Zakaria
1.17 The role of sediment pore waters in the fertility of Rosetta Estuary of River Nile, Egypt, Mamdouh A. Fahmy and E. M. Abo Elkhair
1.18 Dissolved Oxygen (Do) and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) changes in the Gökova Bay, Turkey, Erdoðan Okuþ, Abdullah Aksu, Nuray Balkýs and Mahmut S. Erþan
1.19 Evaluation of spawning areas in Gökova Specially Protected Area, A. Yüksek, E. Okuþ, Ý.N. Yýlmaz, A.A. Yýlmaz, S.Ü. Karhan, N. Demirel and V. Demir
1.20 Ichthyoplankton distribution in Datca-Bozburun Specially Protected Area, E. Okuþ, A. Yüksek, Ý.N. Yýlmaz, A.A. Yýlmaz, S.Ü. Karhan, N. Demirel and V. Demir
1.21 Studies on ecological investigations around coastal structures at Southern Taiwan, Ching-Her Hwang, S-M Lin, C-P Tsai, L-H Tsai, C-S Chen and Wen-Chin Lin
1.22 New Colonial Ascidian, Aplidium Nordmanni, Recorded in Tunisia (Mediterranean Sea), N. Chebbi, F. Mastrottotaro and H. Missaoui
1.23 Chromaffin cells and interrenal tissue in the head kidney of the Grouper (Teleosts, Serranidae), Saydah H. Abdel-Aziz, Suzan B.S. Abdu, Tamer El-Sayed Ali and Huda F. Fouad
1.24 Bio-control of some fish pathogens using marine Burkholderia cepacia by-product, Manal M. A. El-Naggar, Saffinaz Gomaa, Yousry M. Gohar, Khouloud M. Barakat and Magdy K. Soliman
1.25 Optimum feeding rates for Nile Tilapia and effects of ration restriction on its compensatory growth, Tamer El Sayed Ali, Andres Moñino, Ana Tomás and Miguel Jover
1.26 Stock valuation for Spicara Smaris in Mediterranean waters off Alexandria, M.A. Abdel Barr and M. Osman Amany
1.27 Distribution of CO2 surface partial pressure and air - sea CO2 flux in El Mex Bay Alexandria, Egypt, Thanaa H. Mahmoud, Mamdouh S. Masoud and Nayrah A. Shaltout
1.28 Environmental monitoring of the Caspian Sea area adjacent to the Russian Federation territory, Maria Voinova, Galina Monakhova and Vitaly Tatarnikov
1.29 Assessment of pressures on the coastal zone by using satellite images, Cecilia Lopez y Royo and Gianna Casazza
1.30 Phytoplankton dynamics in the Pelagos Sanctuary: a satellite approach, M.G. Finoia, M. Manca Zeichen and V. Barale
1.31 Preliminary evaluation of maritime traffic in the Pelagos Sanctuary, Sabrina Agnesi, Aldo Annunziatellis, Leonardo Tunesi and Taira Di Nora
1.32 Nearshore currents derived from an analysis of X-band radar images, Ahmed S. M. Ahmed and Satoshi Takewaka
1.33 The study of the interaction water-sediment in the swash zone using the UDV, Mustapha Kamel Mihoubi, Michel Blorgey, Daniel Levacher, Ahmed Kettab and Mohammad Movahedan

16 November 2007 Friday

09:00 Oral session 6

Session 6A: Water Management, Tourism & Recreation, Urbanization
(Chairperson: Vittorio Barale - Morad Basely)

09:00 Significant water management issues in the Slovene Coastal Area, Peterlin, Bizjak, Urbanic
09:20 Compliance with water rules in the Volga-Caspian Basin, Ostrovskaya, Leentvaar, Makarova
09:40 Sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean, Škaricic
10:00 Environmental profile of a coastal city, Antalya, Neyisci
10:20 Vulnerability of Haydarpaþa Port, Turkey, Alpar, Ýncaz, Ünlü
10:40 Discussion

Session 6B: Pollution
(Chairperson: Abdo El Sayis - Gianna Casazza)

09:00 Evaluation of metal contamination based on Posidonia oceanica, Pergent-Martini, Buia, Kantin, Lafabrie, Lopez y Royo, Pergent, Romero
09:20 Talitrid Amphipods as bioindicators of sandy beaches contamination and human disturbance, Ugolini, Ungherese, Borghini, Baroni, Bruni, Focardi
09:40 Effect of off-shore sand dredging on turbidity, Martinelli, Guerrero, Preti
10:00 Formulation and application of the Guideline for Countermeasures against dioxins in Japan, Naito and Nakamura
10:20 An assessment of the pollution status of Abu Qir Bay with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their possible origins, El Deeb, Said, El Naggar, Shreadah
10:40 Discussion

10:50 Coffee break

11:10 Poster session 2

2.1 Environmental evaluation of Cozumel Island Mexico, Vivianne Solís-Weiss, Granados Barba Alejandro and Jorge Malpica Martínez
2.2 Heavy rain and social impacts in the northern coastal region of Albania, L. Muçaj, V. Mustaqi and E. Bruci
2.3 Ship breaking industry and its impacts on environment, Necmettin Akten, Birsen Koldemir, Abdurrahman Yaran, S. Þevket Ýrtem and Güldem Elmas
2.4 Effect of temperature on the rate of concentration of faecal coliforms in mussels, Mladen Šolic, Nada Krstulovic, Slaven Jozic, Stefanija Šestanovic and Danijela Šantic
2.5 Effect of solar radiation and temperature on the survival of faecal coliforms in seawater, Nada Krstulovic, Mladen Šolic, Slaven Jozic, Stefanija Šestanovic and Danijela Šantic
2.6 Impacts of land-based sources on the water quality of Abu-Qir Drain, Egypt, M. A. Shriadah and S. A. Abd El Ghani
2.7 Pore water chemistry of Alexandria Eastern Harbour (2004-05), Ramsy B. Nessim, Hermine R.Z. Tadros and Amaal E. Abou-Taleb
2.8 Heavy metal concentrations in water and sediment from the Gökova Bay, Turkey, Erdoðan Okuþ, Nuray Balkýs, Abdullah Aksu and Mahmut S. Erþan
2.9 Petroleum hydrocarbons in Lake Burullus, Egypt, Tarek O. Said
2.10 The Turkish Straits: Growth of oil trade and shipping accidents ended up with oil pollution, Birsen Koldemir, Necmettin Akten, Güldem Elmas, Abdurrahman Yaran and S. Þevket Ýrtem
2.11 Cyanobacteria: Biocidal activity and human affairs, Evgeny B. Gol’din
2.12 Wastewater finishing by facultative biomass in estuarine channels of Cesenatico (I), Maurizio Luca Mancini
2.13 Sediment transport pattern off Alamien Marina Resort, Egypt, Omran Frihy, Abo Baker Abo Zed, Morad Lotfy and Abd El Moniem Badr
2.14 Central Nile Delta sand belt and nourishment of Burg EL Burullus Village-Baltim Beach, Egypt, Morad F. Lotfy, Abo Baker I. Abo Zed and Moheb M. Iskander
2.15 Numerical model to analyse a groynes protected beach, Paolo Atzeni, Paola Letizia and Michela Soldati
2.16 Beach drainage technologies for coastal landscape environmental recovery, Carlo Donadio and Renata Valente
2.17 Design of coastal protective structure for waves and tsunami affected sea front, J.S. Mani and M.V. Ramana Murthy
2.18 Effect of wave grouping to overtopping and reflection on smoothed dike, Chao-Fu Lin and Jea-Tzyy Juang
2.19 Size-graded coastal zone sediments under waves, I. Kantardgi, V. Vaitman and L. Prokhoda-Shumskikh
2.20 The influence of aspect ratio on vortex evolution induced by a solitary wave propagating over a cavity, C. Lin, T.C. Ho and C. S. Chang
2.21 Prediction model of swell wave at east coast of Taiwan, Jea-Tzyy Juang and Chao-Fu Lin
2.22 Parametric wave modelling, a case study, Cihan Sahin, Burak Aydogan, Esin Ozkan Cevik ve Yalcin Yuksel
2.23 Dynamic modelling of coastal water quality, L. Prokhoda-Shumskih, Y. Dreizis and I. Kantardgi
2.24 Estimation of inland extend of dynamic water table within reclaimed marine islands, O. Kabbany, Ahmed S. M. Ahmed and S. Eissa
2.25 Hydro-dynamical features and transport processes in Alexandria coastal area, K. A. Alam El-Din
2.26 Exchange of water in the stratified Zrmanja Estuary (Adriatic Sea), Goran Olujic, Hrvoje Mihanovic, Marina Caric and Zvonko Grzetic
2.27 Summer current conditions in the Gökova Bay, Hüsne Altýok, A. Edip Müftüoðlu and H. I. Sur
2.28 Tidal wave characteristics in a multi ebb-flood channel estuary, Anh Duc Nguyen, Hubert H.G. Savenije and Zheng Bing Wang
2.29 Recent sea level change at Durban and implications for management, Gerald Garland and Andrew Mather
2.30 Fan deltas geomorphology in the northern coast of Gulf of Corinth, Greece, Efthimios Karymbalis
2.31 Quantitative Morphometric Analysis of the Evinos River Delta (Western Greece), Efthimios Karymbalis, Christos Chalkias and George Stournaras
2.32 Tectonic and coastal features of Lake Ýznik, Turkey, Kurultay Öztürk, Bedri Alpar, Cenk Yaltýrak and Denizhan Vardar
2.33 On formation of perylene in sediments from Gulf of Gemlik, Turkey, Selma Ünlü and Bedri Alpar
2.34 Tectonic implications of bathymetry image of the Mediterranean off the Nile Delta, Egypt, Morad Awad, Yakout El-Abd, Awatef Elgedy and Madlien Albaredi
2.35 Erosion and siltation problems of Kitchener drain outlet, Egypt, Samy M. Shereet

12:50 Lunch break

16:00 Conference closing session

21:00 Conference closing banquet

17 November 2007 Saturday

Technical field trip to the Nile Delta

18 November 2007 Sunday

Departures, Post-conference tours

TRIP to the NILE DELTA (17 November 2007)


9:00 Departure from Sheraton El Montazah Hotel
10:30 Arrival at Rosetta Inlet, CoRI Field Office
10:45 Old Army Facility next to beach
11:30 Revetments that protect the Rosetta river mouth
12:15 Nile Cruise
14:15 Fish Lunch in Rasheed International Hotel
17:00 Arrival at Sheraton El Montazah Hotel