Papers included in the Proceedings of MEDCOAST 03 International Conference:



Integrated Coastal Management

Development of integrated coastal area management at the Caspian Sea
Yuriy G. Mikhaylichenko and Parvin Farshchi

Towards development of ICZM in the Black Sea region
Alara Iİstemil

An overview of coastal management in Italy
Stefano Belfiore

A new approach for the management of maritime public domain in central coast of Portugal
F. Martins, F. Lopes Alves, L. Pinho and A. Gomes

MAP CAMP Malta: A benchmark for Maltese environmental planning and management
Avertano Role and Christine M. Tanti

A case study of ICZM in Southeast Sicily (Italy)
G. Pisana

A model of sustainable development in Peninsula Maddalena (Eastern Sicily)
M. Gulisano, S. Lanza, S.M. Lumera, A. Mancuso and M. Tagliente

Shoreline management between Marina di Ragusa and Punta d'Aliga (SE Sicily)
G. Alessandro, G. Biondi, B. Di Vita and M. Tagliente

Integrated environmental study for beach management: a case study
Mauro Fabiano, Gabriella Camarsa, Rosanna Dursi, Roberta Ivaldi, Valentina Marin and Francesca Palmisani

The master plan of the Ravenna coastal area
Werther Bertoni, Giovanni Gabbianelli and Marco Gonella

Recovering area at high environmental risk in Sicily
F. Fichera, O. Grasso and S. Lanza

Environmental impacts of coastal developments and activities - coastal user conflicts
Carlos Coelho, Marianne Scott, Alara Istemil and Allan Williams

Tools and Instruments for Integrated Coastal Management

Developing a standard for sustainability appraisal in coastal management
Anthony Gallagher

New tricks and old dogs: institutional arrangements, incentives and governance for ICM
Neil Lazarow

The role of information and communication between stakeholders in coastal policy
J. Serra, C. Montori, H. Niesing, M. Villares, E. Roca and O. Gelizo

The citizen science toolbox: smarter public involvement in ICM
N. Lazarow, J Pembleton and T. Smith

Local information system (LIS) as a tool for the coastal erosion management
H. Niesing, J. Serra, C. Montori, M. Villares, E. Roca and O. Gelizo

Decision support systems for the strategic management of Abruzzo's coast
A. Orsini, P. De Girolamo, P. Caputi, C. Visca and D. Raggi

Ecological map and dune vulnerability checklist of El Rompido Spit (Huelva, SW Spain)
Sara Muñoz-Vallés and Juan B. Gallego Fernández

The role of indicators in marine environmental management of Ligurian coastal areas
A. Picollo, G. Albertelli, S. Coppo, D. Verardi and K. Nicastro

Risk assessment and feasibility defence study within the Regione Abruzzo coastal area management
Gian Mario Beltrami, Fabio Mondini, Paolo Contini, Diego Cuzzi, Pierluigi Caputi and Paolo De Girolamo

Tourism development strategy for Cape Peloro (Messina, NE Sicily)
T. Altamore, M.E. Blanco, C. Daidone, S. Denaro, G. Mafrica, S. Scordo and E. Tigano

The CoastView project
Carlo Albertazzi, Renata Archetti, Clara Armaroli, Mauro Ceroni, Paolo Ciavola, Alberto Lamberti and Silvia Medri

Socio-Economic Issues

From tourist eco-charge to sustainable development of the town of Hvar
Maja Fredotovic

Development of economic instruments for sustainable implementation of the SAP MED
Anil Markandya and Daria Povh

Environmental funds in the Mediterranean countries
Sladana Pavlinovic

Socio-economic impacts of environmental degradation in the Black Sea
Irina Rudneva

Management of protected areas: optimisation of restrictions and administration expenses
Üllas Ehrlich and Kalju Habicht

Economic and social valuation of the defence system of Venice and its Lagoon (Italy)
Silva Marzetti Dall'Aste Brandolini and Alberto Lamberti

Economic and social valuation of beach protection in Lido di Dante (Italy)
Silva Marzetti Dall'Aste Brandolini and Barbara Zanuttigh

Public Participation and NGO Role

Co-management in coastal areas: the case of Turkey's Bodrum Peninsula
A. Cil Idikut

Stakeholders participation in ICZM at Marina di Massa (I)
Luigi E. Cipriani, Serena Ferri, Filippo A. Pelliccia and Enzo Pranzini

A participative approach to planning process of Lara/Antalya urban coastal park
Cem Oğuz and Huriye Oğuz

Tuning the tuna farm
Marina Radic

Education and Training

"Live Black Sea" educational program in children camps at Russian Black Sea coast
Alexander Vershinin and Alexander Kamnev

Schools, biodiversity, and an East Indiaman
R. Lindblom and D. Tomasi

Marine environmental education in the case of the Black Sea
Irina Rudneva, Valentin Shaida and Irina Zalevskaya

Coastal management training and education in Sicily (Italy)
Giovanni Randazzo and Francesco Geremia

MedOpen: an on-line ICAM training course in the Mediterranean
Daria Povh

Coastlearn, a long-distance ICZM training initiative
Irene Lucius and Habib Muhammetoglu

Conservation Issues, Endangered Species, Protected Areas

Modelling approach for the evaluation of the efficacy of MPA in the Northern Adriatic Sea
M. Zucchetta, S. Libralato, A. Granzotto, F. Pranovi, S. Raicevich and P. Torricelli

Natural environment and cultural landscapes in North Coastal Etruria
Marinella Pasquinucci and Simonetta Menchelli

Meotida: necessity of reserve at the Azov coast of Crimea
Evgeny B. Gol'din and Pavel E. Gol'din

Recent data on threatened flora of the Çukurova Deltas
Halil Çakan, K. Tuluhan Yılmaz, Atabay Düzenli and Deniz Karaömerlioğlu

Habitat characteristics of two endangered gobies in the Venice Lagoon
Anita Franco, Stefano Malavasi, Riccardo Fiorin, Matteo Zucchetta and Patrizia Torricelli

Changes in geographical distribution of marine mammals and seabirds
Rhian Elizabeth Jenkins and Michael Robert Phillips

Coastal Land Use, Impacts and Degradation

On the natural environment and land use in Istanbul Islands
Cengiz Akbulak

Land use change analysis of Erdemli - Kızkalesi region by using GIS methodology
Hasan Volkan Oral, Orhan Yenigün and Barış Mater

Impact of urbanization and tourism on coastal environment
S. Burak, E. Doğan and C. Gazioğlu

The physical impacts of residential settlements on the Mediterranean coast
Nilgün Sultan Yüceer and Serpil Çerçi

Coastal Tourism

Sustainable tourism options for coastal areas of Turkey
A. Cil Idikut

Island of Vis - case study: living (only) with tourism?
Marina Radic

Evaluation of tourism planning process of South Antalya tourism development project
Naim Özgür Kutlu and Ebru Manavoğlu

A questionnaire study on management of yachting activities in Göcek Bays
Erdal Özhan, Aslı Numanoğlu Genç and Çağdaş Demircioğlu

The coastal guide to European destinations, promoting sustainable development at a European scale
C. Pérez Valverde

Urban Development

Functional transformation of an ancient Mediterranean harbour in Turkey
M. Selcuk Sayan and Ulku Cavdar

Sustainable development of the coastal cities
Silvia Golem

A strategic environmental assessment view in Çanakkale
Derya Altunbaş and Hamit Palabıyık

On the Bosphorus coastal area, Istanbul
Ayşen Ciravoğlu

Impacts of tourism on the urban identity of two Mediterranean coastal cities; Kyrenia and Alanya
Cenk Hamamcıoğlu and Bora Yerliyurt


Marine aquaculture and its interaction with other coastal users in Turkey
Hayri Deniz

ARCON® - Mass culture of marine invertebrates: experiences from a mariculture farm for sponges
Lothar Schillak, Axel Holz, Peter Proksch and Renato Batel

Marine Transportation

Handling possibilities at the offshore-based terminal of Antalya new port, Turkey
K. Öztürk, M.C. Barla, N. Akten, G. Alkan, A.E. Müftüoğlu, S. Ünlü and B. Alpar

Coastal Water Resources Management

Geochemical characterisation and management of the Akrotiriaquifer system (Cyprus)
M. Chatzioannidou, O. Christou, D. Rapti Caputo and G. Dimopoulos

Hydrological investigation of Antalya basin (Turkey) concerning the inflow into the Mediterranean Sea
Remzi Karagüzel and Jürgen Jensen

Salinization processes in a coastal aquifer system (Syracuse, Italy)
Dimitra Rapti Caputo and Carmela Vaccaro

The impacts of septic tanks on groundwater quality: case study of Liman region in Antalya
Tugba Ozden and Habib Muhammetoglu


Coastal and Marine Biology, Ecology and Ecosystems

Feeding biology of Lithognathus mormyrus (Teleostei, Sparidae) in Egyptian waters
A.M. Osman

Systematic of the Atherinidae species in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean basins based on biochemical-genetic data
Ivan Dobrovolov, Petya Ivanova, Apostol Apostolu and Zhivko Manolov

Variability in distribution of macrobenthos on rocky shores at Elba Island
Massimo Ponti and Marco Abbiati

Assemblages on human-made structures in the north Adriatic Sea
F. Bacchiocchi, M. Abbiati, F. Colosio, P.R. Jonsson and L. Airoldi

Effects of coastal defence structures on the distribution of hard-bottom species
Laura Airoldi, Elisa Camorani, Francesca Bacchiocchi, Victor Ugo Ceccherelli and Marco Abbiati

The effects of sewage on benthic community in Antalya Bay, Turkey
Gonul Tugrul Icemer and Erdal Kosun

A study on the phytoplankton and nutrients in the Mid-Black Sea coast of Samsun, Turkey
Arif Gönülol, Gülfem Bakan, Özgür Baytut, Hülya Böke Özkoç and Eda Özbayrak

Phytoplankton development in the Romanian coastal waters during 2001
Laura Boicenco

Nutrients and phytoplankton biomass in the Ombla River estuary, Southern Adriatic
Marina Caric and Nenad Jasprica

First data on Spartina x townsendii in the Lagoon of Venice (Italy)
Francesco Scarton, Leonardo Ghirelli, Daniele Curiel and Andrea Rismondo

Ecological response of microbial community to wave action in swash zone - NW Mediterranean
Vanessa-Sarah Salvo, Valentina Marin, Cristina Misic, Mariapaola Moreno and Mauro Fabiano

Structure of a small estuarine tidal flat
Takashi Sakamaki, Yoko Ogawa, Munehiro Nomura and Osamu Nishimura

Biological effects on organic matter dynamics in tidal flat
Osamu Nishimura, Takashi Sakamaki and Munehiro Nomura

Material circulation and species composition in tidal flat microcosm system
Kazuhito Murakami, Toshio Ishii, Kazuo Taki, Yuichi Ishii and Hideki Tatsumoto

Descriptors of Posidonia Oceanica meadows: general overview
V. Leoni, V. Pasqualini and C. Pergent-Martini

A new seagrass map for the Venice Lagoon
Andrea Rismondo, Daniele Curiel, Francesco Scarton, Daniele Mion and Giovanni Caniglia

Transplanting seagrasses in the Venice Lagoon: results and perspectives
Daniele Curiel, Francesco Scarton, Andrea Rismondo and Mara Marzocchi

Trophic structure of the waterbird community foraging in the Comacchio Lagoon (N. Adriatic)
Paolo Boldreghini and Alessandro Dall'Alpi

Management needs of coastal areas in the Eastern Mediterranean
K. Tuluhan Yılmaz, Halil Çakan and Tamas Szekely

Importance of Lake Iztuzu for coastal management (Turkey)
Nilgün Kazancı, Sönmez Girgin and Muzaffer Dügel

Invasive Species, Toxic Organisms and Harmful Algal Blooms

Effects of the interaction between Posidonia oceanica and two invasive Caulerpa species
Gérard Pergent, Olivier Dumay and Christine Pergent-Martini

Appearance of invasive species in southern Lake of Tunis
J. Ben Souissi, M. Rezig and J. Zaouali

Harmful algae at northeast Black Sea coast
Alexander Vershinin, Anton Moruchkov and Irina Sukhanova

New strategy of monitoring and management of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Mediterranean
Mercedes Masó and Strategy Group

Ecosystem and Environmental Impacts

Agonizing coastal sea ecosystems: understanding the cause; placing the blame!
Michael A. Rozengurt

Environmental impact assessment after sand extraction for beach nourishment: a methodological approach
E. Fanelli, L. Nicoletti, G. Franceschini, O. Giovanardi, M. Gabellini and M. Preti

The impact of clam fishing dredges on Adriatic Lagoons
Ivonne Burla and Giorgio Fontolan

Pollution Bio-indicators

Use of phenolic compounds in Posidonia Oceanica
Ferrat Lila, Pergent-Martini Christine, Roméo Michèle and Pergent Gérard

A possibility of using mollusks Mytilus Galloprovincialis for indication and monitoring of oil pollution in the Black Sea
T. Schekaturina and T. Osadchaya

Pollution control with the usage of new methods of Xenobiotics bioidentification in water
Valerii Tonkopii and Anatoly Zagrebin

Land-based Sources of Pollution and Litter

Assessment of pollution generated by some Moroccan cities on the Mediterranean Sea
M. Saâdallah, L. Bourchich and A. Foutlane

Contribution of the land-based sources to pollution of Izmit Bay (Turkey) after the earthquake
Leyla Tolun, Oya Okay, Vildan Tüfekçi, Fatma Telli Karakoç, Duran Karakaş, Hüseyin Tüfekçi, Arzu Olgun and Enis Morkoç

Management of the biota and sediment of Mid-Black Sea, Turkey
Böke Hülya Özkoç, Gülfem Bakan, Sema Arıman and Eda Özbayrak

Assessment of Boğaçay stream water quality by using fuzzy logic
Ahmet Yardımcı, Ayse Muhammetoğlu and Hakan Oğuz

Marine litter assessment for Antalya beaches
C.E. Balas, A. Ergin, A.T. Williams, L. Koç and D. Demirci

Water and Sediment Pollution

Temporal and spatial distribution of some pollutants in and around Trabzon Harbour (Turkey)
E. Çapkın, M. Boran and E. Başar

Case study of modelling wastewater outfall plumes in Trabzon
Şebnem Erkebay, Ercan Köse, Ersan Başar, Abdulaziz Güneroğlu, Nüket Sivri and Coşkun Erüz

Treatment characteristics of Algerian velvet manufacture wastewater by Electroflotation
Madani Khodir, Chibane Mohamed and Merzouk Belkacem

Effects of a marine pen cage farm on sediments
Lucía Molina Domínguez and José M. Vergara Martín

Oil Transport, Pollution and Control

Economic instruments and oil spills in the Mediterranean
Ivana Pavic

A Study on oil spills in Marmara Sea coastal areas
Zuhal Er, Tanzer Satır, Beril Tuğrul, Cengiz Deniz and Masao Furusho

Assessment of environmental damage in the Sea of Marmara due to oil spill from Volganeft-248
Ilhan Talinli, Kadir Sarioz and Rana Yamanturk

Training model for coastal organizations due to shipboard oil spills
Zuhal Er and Tanzer Satır

Risk assessment of oil tanker unloading point in the southeastern Black Sea - Trabzon station
Ersan Başar and Ercan Köse

GEOS: an integrated flexible system for the management of oil spill emergencies
M. Puletti, A. Ancarani, C. Brandini, L. Ceffa, G. De Filippi, F. Meneguzzo and G. Messeri

Enhancement of environmental care with six sigma approach
Ismail Deha Er and Masao Furusho

Water Quality Management

Implementation of the European water directive for coastal waters in the Mediterranean
Gianna Casazza, Cecilia Silvestri and Emanuela Spada

Towards the application of the European water framework directive in Italian coastal waters
C. Silvestri, E. Magaletti, A.M. Cicero, F. Giovanardi, A. Scarpato, A. Brondi, E. Spada and G. Casazza

Italian coastal typology for the European water framework directive
A. Brondi, A.M. Cicero, E. Magaletti, F. Giovanardi, A. Scarpato, C. Silvestri and G. Casazza

Impacts of stream discharges on the bathing water quality of Konyaaltı beach
Hakan Oğuz, Ayşe Muhammetoğlu and Bülent Topkaya

A new settlement for sea water quality and transport in coastal area facing Cesenatico
G.L. Bragadin, M.L. Mancini and A. Turchetto

Hydrological management of the Golden Horn Estuary, Turkey
B. Alpar, S. Burak and E. Doğan

Finite element water quality model of the Moreton Bay system
P.R.F. Bell, J. McEwan and S. Coombs

A water quality modeling study, QUAL2E of the Mert River, Turkey
Gulfem Bakan and Eda Ozbayrak

Pamolare model for management of Sapanca Lake
Mustafa Oguz and Hatice Dinc

Lagoons and their Management

Impact of Venice Lagoon storm surge barriers on the morphology and circulation of waters
J.G. Boon, E.D. de Goede, M. van Ormondt and J.A. Roelvink

A GIS-based morphological evolution of the Venice Lagoon
Simone Pillon, Giorgio Fontolan, Annelore Bezzi, Ivonne Burla, Umberto Tessari, Umberto Simeoni, Andrea Zamariolo, Elisabetta Tromellini and Massimo Gabellini

Fishing down marine food webs in the coastal areas: the Venice Lagoon as a case study
S. Libralato, F. Pranovi, S. Raicevich, M. Zucchetta, R. Pastres and P. Torricelli

Modelling the impact of clams in the biogeochemical cycles of a Mediterranean Lagoon
J. M. Zaldívar, M. Plus, G. Giordani and P. Viaroli

Characterization and variations of water parameters in Bizerte Lake (Tunisia)
Nejla Aloui-Bejaoui and Slim Gana

Geomorphological evolution of a Lagoon system: the Pialassa Baiona (Ravenna, Italy)
C. Ascani, F. Sangiorgi and G. Gabbianelli

Beach Management

Conceptual modelling of beach management: South Wales case studies
C. Nelson, A. T. Williams and D. Botterill

Baseline integrated research on Mediterranean sandy beaches for sustainable management
Felicita Scapini

Implications of beach nourishment projects along the Emilia-Romagna coast
Ozlem Unal

Monitoring beach stability on the Mediterranean Island of Malta
Anton Micallef

To bathe or not to bathe - the bather's choice?
David Johnson and Ayca Erdem

Coastal Dunes and their Management

The vulnerability and management of three sand dune sites in southwestern Turkey
R. Marlow and A. Morris

Investigation of vegetation and soil relationship on Sakarya coastal dunes (Turkey)
Ahmet Serteser and Yılmaz İçağa

Ecotypes of Ammophila arenaria in the Portuguese coast
Catarina Schreck Reis and Helena Freitas

Beach ridges and dunes of the Arno River Delta
Minja Kukavicic and Enzo Pranzini

Foredune classification and morphodynamic processes along the Veneto coasts (N. Adriatic, Italy)
Annelore Bezzi and Giorgio Fontolan

The Penna Grossa Point dune ridge (Adriatic Apulia, Southern Italy)
Vincenzo De Santis and Giovanni Palmentola

Applicability "System Theory" in foredune instability assessment - a verification
U. Tessari, F. Immordino, G. Mastronuzzi, P. Sansò and U. Simeoni

Re-assessment of surface-wind systems for aeolian saltation
Eugene J. Farrell and Douglas J. Sherman

Alternative restoration outcomes for dunes on developed coasts
Karl F. Nordstrom and Nancy L. Jackson

An innovative sand dune restoration project from Malta
Alan Deidun, Adrian Mallia and Patrick J. Schembri

The monitoring of bordering dunes in the littoral of Mahdia (Eastern Tunisia) after the setting-up of windbreakers
Oula Amrouni Bouaziz, Radhia Souissi, Sâadi Abdeljaoued, Mohamed Choura, Foued Souissi and Mohamed Ali Torki


Coastal Processes, Erosion Control and Shoreline Management

Geomorphological framework of the Abruzzi shores
Leandro D'Alessandro, Claudio Caputo, Marcello Buccolini, Enrico Miccadei, Tommaso Piacentini, Gianni Scalella, Paolo Paron and Francesco Ricci

Monitoring of Ragusa coastal area (SE Sicily)
M. Tagliente, G. Randazzo, S. Buonmestieri, G. Biondi and G. Alessandro

Sedimentological review of the Lavagna coast after its reconstruction in the 1970's
Ivana Delbono, Mattia Barsanti, Nicola Corradi and Ornella Ferretti

Some data about the Marina di Ugento sand beach dynamics (Apulia, Southern Italy)
G.Palmentola, G. Cacciapaglia and V. De Santis

Beach erosion in the Corinthian Gulf, resulting from coastal processes and tectonic activity - The Ag. Sotira case
C. Solomonidis, A. Rogan, D. Georgas, C. Perissoratis and A. Boutatis

Pocket beach erosion: Golfo di Procchio (Isola d'Elba)
Giovanni Del Grosso and Enzo Pranzini

Beach erosion and nourishment of Playa de Mazagón, Spain
Christian M. Appendini, José María Medina, José Luis González, José Santos López, Alejandro Palmeiro, Guillermo Díaz, Jorge Rey Salgado and Rafael González y Díez de la Cortina

Environmental restoration of Playa de Villananitos, Murcia, Spain
Guillermo Díaz, Christian M. Appendini, José María Medina, José Luis González, José Santos López, Alejandro Palmeiro, Jorge Rey Salgado, Manuel Fernández and Francisco Peñalver

Littoral defence system redefinition at La Mamola Beach, Spain
José Santos López, José Luis González, Raúl Vizcaíno, José María Medina, Christian M. Appendini, Alejandro Palmeiro, Guillermo Díaz and Miguel Calleja

Effects of anthropization on the Ferrara littoral and intervention of re-equilibrium
Umberto Simeoni, Simona Gragnaniello, Nico Bonora, Maurizio Farina, Andrea Peretti, Leonardo Sarti, Cecilia Schiavi and Edi Valpreda

Morphological evolution of Bellocchio littoral alternatives for coastal protection
Marco Gonella, Giovanni Gabbianelli, Umberto Simeoni, Michela Soldati and Massimo Tondello

Use of dredged materials for sustainable resolution of coastal erosion problems
Roberta Zambrini, Michela Soldati and Alessandro Bertoni

Complex sand nourishment in Emilia-Romagna Region
Mentino Preti and Carlo Albertazzi

Changes of beach profiles in Damietta coastal area, Egypt
S.H. Sharaf El-Din, F.M. Eid and F.A. Abdalla

Changes in beach morphology in a volatile coastal environment Gower, South Wales, UK
Michael Robert Phillips and Andrew James Lees

Fast erosion of the Adige River mouth and its adjacent beaches - an intervention proposal
N. Bonora, R. Dal Cin, A. Bezzi, G. Fontolan, F. Immordino, E. Valpreda and A. Zamariolo

An experimental study on bar characteristics of storm-built profiles
Murat İhsan Kömürcü, Ömer Yüksek, Servet Karasu and İsmail Hakkı Özölçer

Effects of a dredged trench at the north coast of Spain
Christian M. Appendini, José Luis González, Alejandro Palmeiro, José María Medina, José Santos López and Guillermo Díaz

A case of updrift erosion induced by a harbour breakwater
Lorenzo Cappietti, Chiara Cammelli, Eugene Farrell, Serena Ferri, Pier Luigi Aminti and Enzo Pranzini

Sea bottom scour near gaps in coastal protection structures
Pier Luigi Aminti and Lorenzo Cappietti

Analysis of currents around a low crested barrier: field and numerical results
Renata Archetti, Matteo Tirindelli, Gianni Gamberini and Alberto Lamberti

Use of a reflective groin in a pocket beach
Eugene Farrell, Enzo Pranzini and Solveigh Steinhardt

Evaluation of the effects of t-groins on coasts by field data and numerical modelling
Servet Karasu, Murat İhsan Kömürcü, Ömer Yüksek and İsmail Hakkı Özölçer

Shoreline evolution in presence of detached breakwaters: analysis by means of a one line model
P. Contini, M. Mita, N. Codispoti, R. Briganti and L. Franco

Coastal Geology, Sedimentology, Geomorphology and Geochemistry

The paleoenvironmental evolution of the Po River Delta: a chemostratigraphic approach
F. Sangiorgi, E. Dinelli and M.F. Piccini

Multidisciplinary study for integrated management of the Conero Shore (Italy)
Rita Fraboni, Gianluca De Grandis, Alessandra Negri, Cinzia Zulli, Renzo Valloni and Massimo Sarti

Tectonically-induced drainage development in Gelibolu Peninsula
T. Ahmet Ertek, A. Evren Erginal, Cem Gazioğlu and Z. Yaşar Yücel

Evolutionary dynamics of the Crati River Delta (Italy)
Piero Bellotti, Claudio Caputo, Lina Davoli, Silvio Evangelista and Francesco Pugliese

The beach-dunes system in the Veneto coastal area (Italy)
F. Immordino and M. Zunica

Jumping regressive evolutional trend of the Ionian beaches - Basilicata Region (Southern Italy)
Umberto Simeoni, Ivonne Burla, Giorgio Fontolan, Gragnaniello Simona, Edi Valpreda and Andrea Zamariolo

Effects of protection structures on the composition of coastal sediments, Ravenna Area
E. Dinelli, F. Sangiorgi and E. Ulazzi

Erosion and retreat of the Antalya (Turkey) coastal cliffs
Nihat Dipova

Cesium-137: to estimate erosion in Istanbul-Buyukcekmece
Sevilay Haciyakupoglu, T.Ahmet Ertek, Des E.Walling, Z.Fatih Ozturk, Gursel Karahan, A.Evren Erginal, Nilgun Celebi, Lutfiye Gureli, Hakan Kaya and Hasan Akgun

Correlation of the marine terraces at the Turkish coast and their interpretation
T.Ahmet Ertek, C. Yıldırım, A. Aytaç, S. Kutoğlu, K.Kurban and Evren Erginal

Notches on different lithologies as paleo-shoreline markers
Marco Fulvio Nisi, Sergio Silenzi, Mauro De Donatis and Saverio Devoti

The relationships between submarine and coastal geomorphology around an active fault zone: an example from the centre basin of Izmit Gulf
A. Evren Erginal and T. Ahmet Ertek

New data on biogenic reefs (Tegnùe of Chioggia) in Adriatic
O. Giovanardi, G.C. Cristofalo, L. Manzueto and G. Franceschini

Coastal Engineering

Comparison of wave hindcasting with measurements in the Eastern Black Sea
Nihal Yılmaz, Erdal Özhan and Saleh Abdalla

Influence of berm width and submerged breakwater depth to wave run up
Jea-Tzyy Juang, Chao-Fu Lin, Chuan-Hsien Lai and Wen-Lan Lin

Evaluation of overtopping processes over low-crested structures
A. Lamberti, B. Zanuttigh and M. Tirindelli

Modification of swell on a current
M.K. Mihoubi and M. Hassane

Case histories of the use of marine gabions and mattresses in near-shore and offshore projects
Marco Vicari and Carlo Avanzini

Reliability analysis of a rubble mound breakwater: an application of a III level method
Edoardo Benassai, Francesco Pasanisi and Gianluca Sorgenti degli Uberti

A wave propagation model for irregular shaped water bodies
Lale Balas and Asu İnan

A simplified model for estimating rip currents flow parameters: application to a study case
Giorgio Bellotti

Temporal fluctuations of suspension over nearly flat bed
R.D.Kos'yan, N.V.Pykhov and P.L.Vorob'yev

Robotic technology applications in coastal surveillance
M.Martini, R.Miranda and M.Abbiati

Integrated environment monitoring from coastal platforms
Giuseppe Zappalà, Gabriella Caruso, Filippo Azzaro and Ermanno Crisafi


Numerical modeling of the circulation pattern of the Egyptian Mediterranean coastal area
K.A. Alam El-Din, S.H. Sharaf El-Din, J. Sarkkula and O.M. Ibrahim

Hydrodynamics of lagoons, a case study: the Orbetello Lagoon
P.L.Aminti, L.Cappietti, M.G.Tecchi and A. Venturini

A water exchange study for a sea-connected lagoon, Egypt
Sawsan Eissa

Hydrodynamic modelling of the Cabras Lagoon: water circulation and residence times
Christian Ferrarin and Georg Umgiesser

Hydrodynamic modelling of the Nador Lagoon, Morocco
G. Umgiesser, I. Scroccaro and M. Snoussi

Hydraulic Enhancement of Bellocchio Tidal Marshes
Marco Gonella, Paolo Atzeni, Umberto Simeoni, Massimo Tondello and Andrea Zamariolo

An idealized circulation for the Orbetello Lagoon
I. Scroccaro, A. Cappelletti and G. Umgiesser

Modeling of mixing and flushing in Fethiye Bay
Alp Küçükosmanoğlu, Lale Balas and Erdal Özhan

Fluvial-coastal interactions at the Magra River mouth
Marco Gonella, Paolo Atzeni, Chiara Cammelli and Massimo Tondello

Numerical modelling of sediment transport at Skikda Harbour
Torkia Matouk and Ahmed Abdelbaki

3D hydrodynamics around low-crested structures: laboratory data and numerical simulations
Barbara Zanuttigh, Alberto Lamberti and Massimo Guerrero

Near shore waves and currents at Pellestrina
Marcello Di Risio, Renata Archetti, Giorgio Bellotti and Michela Soldati

Comparison between physical and 2D mathematical model at the industrial port of Cagliari (Sardinia)
Andrea Atzeni, Paolo Atzeni, Giovanni Oggiano and Stefano Ponti

Physical and numerical modelling of wave transformations in the Venice Lagoon
Piero Ruol, Mauro Sclavo and Alessandra Feola

Operational model of short-term sea level forecast in the Caspian Sea
O.A. Verbitskaya, O.I. Zilberstein, S.K. Popov and A.L. Lobov

Improving operational ocean forecasting over the central Mediterranean Sea
Charles Galdies

MAMA - a regional network for ocean forecasting in the Mediterranean
Aldo Drago, Matthew Scerri and Joanna Borg

Coastal Hazards

The effects of the Marmara tsunamis on the coastal area and in the strait of Istanbul
Y. Altınok, B. Alpar, H. Hebert, Z. Düzgit and A.C. Yalçıner

Sea storm risk assessment in the Ravenna littoral (Adriatic Sea, Northern Italy)
U. Simeoni, U. Tessari, G. Gabbianelli and C. Schiavi

Water Level Changes

Subsidence and sea level change: the North Adriatic coast
Carlo Del Grande, Umberto Simeoni and Giovanni Gabbianelli

Optimisation of gauging station network in coastal areas
C. J. Blasi

Hydrological changes in tidal estuaries due to natural and anthropogenic effects
Jürgen Jensen, Christoph Mudersbach and Christoph Blasi

Statistical analysis of water levels at the German Baltic Sea coastline
Jürgen Jensen and Christoph Mudersbach

Remote Sensing and GIS

Optical observations of coastal features in the Mediterranean and Black Sea
Vittorio Barale

Using multi-sensor remote sensing data for calculating mesoscale ocean current fields
Martin Gade, Gerald Fiedler, Leonie Dreschler-Fischer and Ove Rud

Analysis of the Tunis South Lake water plan by remote sensing
Emna Soufi, Slim Gana and Atef Bel Haj Ali

Monitoring shoreline changes at Yesilirmak Delta by remote sensing and GIS
Mehmet Lütfi Süzen and Erdal Özhan

Coastline mapping using QuickBird satellite imagery
Silvano Bencivelli, Stefano Lovo, Alberto Pellegrinelli, Nicola Perfetti and Paolo Russo

Using IKONOS imagery and GIS to predict distribution of biodiversity
Süha Berberoglu, Hakan Alphan, K.Tuluhan Yilmaz, Tamas Szekely and Oznur Kutlu

Using multi-frequency radar data for sediment classification in dry-fallen tidal flats
Martin Gade

SiGeAC: a web-oriented GIS for coastal zone management
Piero De Bonis, Grazia Fattoruso, Sergio Grauso, Filippo Onori, Andrea Pagano, Francesco Pasanisi, Alessandro Peloso, Pasquale Regina, Carlo Tebano and Francesco Zarlenga

Mapping of the coastal zone of the Emilia-Romagna Region using geographical information systems
Paolo Ciavola, Corinne Corbau, Ubaldo Cibin and Luisa Perini