From: Amr Elsammak

Subject:  New Year 2002

Dear MEDCOAST Colleagues and friends,

As one of the attendees for the First MEDCOAST Training programme during
1993, I think the MEDCOAST put me on the first step of the CZM. In fact this
training course was one of the best training courses in my life. No only
from scientific point of view but also from social side. It was 4 weeks of
my best days of my life.

Happy new year and Merry XMAS

Amr El-Sammak (Ph.D. Marine Geology)
UAE University. UAE


The Romanian Ecological Party,  Bucuresti, Romania

To: Prof. Dr. Erdal Ozhan

We were given your address by The Embassy of Turkey in Bucharest, at our request. We would like to establish a strong collaboration between the two ecological organizations.

We are The Romanian Ecological Party, the first ecological organization from Romania, which was set up on 16 January 1990.

Our party has approximatively 20.000 members in all over the country organizated in 47 regional and zone branches. Starting with the 20 of May 1990, it became a Parliamentary Party in all three legislatures, which are: 1990-1992 with 9 members in The Parliament; 1992-1996 with 5 members in The Parliament and 1996-November 2001 with members in The Parliament. In the Parliamentary elections of November 2000, The Romanian Ecological Party obtained 1% of all votes, so that it didn't have the opportunity to enter The Parliament of Romania.

As to know the european realities, in the domains of legislation, protection of the environment, the preoccupation of the societies and governments from EU, we would like to participate at meetings, conferences and symposiums organized in your country. If similar activities are organized in Romania, you will be announced in time to join us at these actions.

We are waiting for your answer wishing for success in your activity

With consideration,

Cornel Protopopescu
The President of The Romanian Ecological Party


Environmental Nongovernmental Organization
PO BOX 1- 139, Constanta, 8700, Romania
Tel/ fax:


From: Laura Boicenco, Coastal Zone Management Coordinator

Subject: Sourcing, monitoring and management of litter in Black Sea

Dear Professor Williams and Dear Professor Ozhan,

It seems that for me there are vastly more opportunities to maintain my links with MEDCOAST specialists, from a NGO perspective.

Mare Nostrum and Greener Burgas Foundation in Bulgaria, have been recently awarded a Cooperative Grant of 20.000 EURO for a project whose goal is : to improve beach management practices and capacities in Romania and Bulgaria, especially with regards litter control and reduction, as part of the implementation of ICZM concept.

Our intention is to try to coordinate both the concepts/ approaches and some practical activities with prof. William's project for litter or any other similar MEDCOAST initiatives in the Black Sea region. Initially, after our enjoyable Mamaia training, I received from prof. Williams a project proposal outline on sourcing and management of the litter, (and for which I am very grateful, some ideas determined us to be more ambitious in our project strategy) but I couldn't get in touch with him again, by e-mal, fax or phone. 

Practically, we are offering to extend/ to do the task of litter surveys and sourcing for the Romanian and Bulgarian coasts! The benefit for us from a cooperation with MEDCOAST (especially if the project of prof. Williams was approved by European Commission) will be the technical assistance, and comparison of data and methodology also for cross-verification purposes.

Let us know if this proposal could be of any interest to you! And all the best wishes for your professional and career related plans!
