Prof. Erdal Özhan, Chairman of MEDCOAST, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Prof. Amor El Abed, Directeur Général de lInstitut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer, Tunisia.
Dr. A. Abdelbaki, Laboratoire D`Etudes Maritimes, Alger, Algeria.
Mr. S. Ammarasinghe, Lanka Hydraulic Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Mr. K. Attia, Prés. Direct. Gén. de lAg .de Nat. de Prot. de lEnv., Tunisia.
Mr. A. Baccouche, Présid. de Prot. de lEnv. de lAri., Tunisia.
Dr. V. Barale, Joint Research Center of EC, SAI, Ispra, Italy.
Dr. A. Baric, Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, Croatia.
Mr. Z. Ben Mustapha, Président de lAssoc. Tunis. Sites et Mon., Tunisia.
Mr. S. Ben Said, Président Directeur Général de SCET, Tunisia.
Ms. A. Benzarti, Dir. Gén. du Centre Int. dEcotéch. de lEnv., Tunisia.
Mr R. Boussemma,Dir. au Sec. dEtat à la Rech. à la Tech. Tunisia.
Prof. B. Cicin-Sain, Editor-in-Chief, JOCM, Delaware, USA.
Mr. T. Chriaa, Directeur Général de la Pêche et de lAquaculture, Tunisia.
Prof. H. Coccossis, University of the Aegean, Mytilene, Greece.
Mr. R. Delaney, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA.
Prof. A. Ergin, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Mr.A.Gannoun, Président Directeur Général del APAL, Tunisia.
Mr. Mohamed Salem Hadj Ali, Directeur du SIPAM/FAO, Tunisia
Mr. T. Hamrouni, Président Direc. Gén. de lOff. Nation. dAssa., Tunisia.
Dr. M.E. Hatziolos, The World Bank, Washington D.C., USA.
Mr.B. Henchi, Directeur de Cabinet de Mr. Le Ministre de lEnvironnement et de lAménagement du Territoire, Tunisia.
Mr. A. Hili, Président de la Société de Protection des Oiseaux, Tunisia.
Dr. L. Jeftic, Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea, UK.
Prof. R. Kos'yan, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Gelendzhik, Russia.
Mr. M. H. Ktari, Prés. de la Soc. Tunisienne des Scien. de la Mer, Tunisia.
Dr. G. Kullenberg, International Ocean Institute, Malta.
Prof. N. Kumamoto, Hokkaigakuen University, Sapporo, Japan.
Prof. G. Liberatore, University of Udine, Italy.
Prof. E. Mann-Borgese, Dalhouise University Nova Scotia, Canada.
Dr. L. D. Mee, University of Plymouth, UK.
Dr. F. van der Meulen, International CZM Center, The Netherlands.
Mr. A. Micallef, Euro Med. Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics, Malta.
Prof. C. Moutzouris, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
Dr. R. Ortal, Natural Reserves Authority, Jerusalem, Israel.
Prof. E. Özsoy, Middle East Technical University, Erdemli, Turkey.
Mr. A. Pavasovic, Former Director, UNEP-MAP PAP/RAC, Croatia.
Dr. G. Pergent, University of Corsica, Corte, France.
Dr. G.S. Rodenhuis, Delft Hydraulics, The Netherlands.
Prof. A. Sánchez-Arcilla, University Politec. de Catalunya, Spain.
Prof. S.H. Sharaf El-Din, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.
Dr. J. Sorensen, University of Massachusetts-Boston, USA.
Prof. M. Stiassnie, Cameri-Technion, Haifa, Israel.
Dr. E.H. Tabet-Aoul, Paris, France.
Mr. I. Trumbic, UNEP- MAP PAP/RAC, Split, Croatia.
Prof. A. Vallega, ICCOPS & University of Genoa, Italy.
Prof. F. Veloso-Gomes, University of Porto, Portugal.
Mr. J. van der Weide, Delft Hydraulics, The Netherlands.
Prof. A.T. Williams, University of Glamorgan, UK.
Since the first conference organised in Antalya, Turkey during 2-5 November 1993, four events in the Mediterranean Coastal Environment conference series of MEDCOAST have made this series a major international scientific and environmental meeting, focusing on the management of the coastal and sea areas of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. The past four conferences produced 10 volumes of proceedings, adding up to nearly 7000 pages, and three special issues of two leading coastal management journals. These meetings, together with two thematic workshops and one conference, have created a steadily growing group of MEDCOAST people, among which various significant collaboration initiatives have developed.
When MEDCOAST was initiated 10 years ago, the goal was to enhance collaboration at the regional scale of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, among various actors, which would produce results contributing to better management of the coastal and sea areas. More or less at the same time in the Mediterranean, and a few years later in the Black Sea, similar efforts were started at the governmental levels. In this very suitable environment, MEDCOASTs initial goal was highly achieved by the establishment of very productive international links under the umbrella offered by the MEDCOAST network. Furthermore, the collaboration extended across two basins. MEDCOAST provided one of the first opportunities for addressing collaboratively the Mediterranean and the Black Sea issues.
The fourth MEDCOAST conference was organised jointly with the fourth EMECS conference, and this resulted in a world congress. The joint conference gathered around four hundred people representing more than 35 countries, to discuss solutions of the coastal and marine issues of the world.
MEDCOAST conferences always aim to achieve very high levels of scientific and professional qualities. At the same time, they are relaxed and enjoyable events carried out in a casual, friendly atmosphere. Together with the fourth conference, the poster sessions have achieved a great importance and became an important event of the conference program. This provides greater opportunities for mutual interaction of the participants. Another welcomed change was the inclusion of thematic presentation and discussion sessions, organised jointly by other institutions.
With MEDCOAST 2001, the conference moves to the southern shores of the Mediterranean for the first time. We expect to have another successful event in the magnificent setting offered by Hammamet, enhanced by the rich Tunisian culture and hospitality. Scientists, experts, managers, planners, policy makers, resource developers, users and conservationists from both the Mediterranean and the Black Sea countries, or from outside the basins, are cordially invited to participate!
All activities of MEDCOAST 01 International Conference will take place at Yasmine Beach Resort, Hammamet (*****), Tunisia.
Patricia Aissa, Prof. à la Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte, Tunisia.
Vittorio Barale, Joint Research Centre of EC, SAI, Ispra, Italy.
M.S.Ben Romdhane, Maît. de Rech., Inst. Nat. dAgr. de Tunis, Tunisia.
Abderrahmen Bouain, Prof., Facultés des Sciences de Sfax, Tunisia.
Amor El Abed, Président Directeur Général del INSTM, Tunisia.
A.Gannoun, Président Directeur Général del APAL, Tunisia.
Moncef Gueddari, Professeur, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Tunisia.
A. Hentati, Dir. du Cen. dAct. Rég. pour les Air. Spéc. Protégées, Tunisia.
Frank van der Meulen, International CZM Center, The Netherlands.
Anton Micallef, Euro. Center on Insular Coastal Dynamics, Malta.
Erdal Özhan, MEDCOAST, Middle East Technical University, Turkey.
Gerard Pergent, University of Corsica, Corte, France.
Jentje van der Weide, Delft Hydraulics, The Netherlands.
Allan T. Williams, University of Glamorgan, UK.
A.Gannoun, Président Directeur Général del APAL, Tunisia (Chairman)
S. Ben Hamza, Chef Serv. au Cent. Int. des Tech. de lEnv. de Tunis, Tunisia.
H. Ben Moussa, Chargé de mission à APAL., Tunisia.
Amel Benzarti, Directrice Générale du Centre International, Tunisia.
Amor El Abed, Président Directeur Général del INSTM, Tunisia.
A. Hamrouni, Chargé de mission à APAL, Tunisia.
Hassen Hannachi, Dir. à lAg. Nat. de Protection de lEnviron., Tunisia..
Ali Harzallah, Maître Assistant à INSTM, Tunisia.
Adel Hentati, Dir du Cen. dAct Rég. pour les Aires Spéc Protég., Tunisia.
K.Karoui, Asst Adm. au Cen dAct Rég pour les Air. Spéc Protég, Tunisia.
C. Sammari, Maître Assistant à INSTM, Tunisia.
K. Sghairi, Prés. de lAssoc. Femme et Développement Durable, Tunisia.
International Sponsors
Local Sponsors
Monday: Registration (16:00-18:00)
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
9:00 |
Sessions 3A, 3B, 3C |
Sessions 4A, 4B, 4C |
Keynote Session |
9:30 |
Opening Session |
10:15 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
10:40 |
Coffee Break |
10:45 |
Poster Session 1 |
11:00 |
Keynote Session |
Poster Session 2 |
Sessions 6A, 6B, 6C |
12:30 |
Lunch Break |
Lunch Break |
12:40 |
Lunch Break |
Lunch Break |
13:30 |
Technical and Cultural Field Trip |
14:00 |
Sessions 1A, 1B, 1C |
Sessions 5A, 5B, 5C |
15:00 |
Closing Session |
15:40 |
Coffee Break |
15:45 |
Coffee Break |
16:10 |
MEDCOAST Discussion Session |
16:15 |
Sessions 2A, 2B, 2C |
16:30 |
17:30 |
18:00 |
Welcome Reception |
19:00 |
Free Night in Hammamet |
20:00 |
Gala Dinner and Tunisian Cultural Show |
MONDAY (22 October 2001)
16:00-18:00 Registration
TUESDAY (23 October 2001)
9:30 Opening Session
Coffee Break (10:30-11:00)
Keynote Session I (Chair: Vittorio Barale)
11:00 Frank van der Meulen, Robbert Misdorp and Gerrit Baarse: ICZM, from planning to implementation: success or failure?
11:30 F. Veloso Gomes and F. Taveira Pinto: Portuguese coastal zones and the new coastal management plans
12:00 Roger Lindblom, Margit Grell and Donatella Tomasi: Teaching children biodiversity using CD discs
12:30 Discussion
Lunch (12:30-14:00)
Session 1A Coastal Conservation (Chair: Anton Micallef)
14:00 Sandro De Muro, Jo De Waele and Felice Di Gregorio: The coastal karst of Sardinia: a scientific and touristic resource
14:20 M. Selçuk Sayan, Osman Karagüzel and Veli Ortaçeşme: Impacts of tourism on coastal morphology and vegetation - the case of Belek resort
14:40 Imed Jribi, Mohamed Nejmeddine Bradai and Abderrahmen Bouain: The loggerhead turtle nesting activity in Tunisia
15:00 Tuncay Neyişçi: Conservation of monk seals (Monachus monachus) and ecotourism
15:20 Discussion
Session 1B Coastal and Marine Biology (Chair: Christine Pergent-Martini)
14:00 G. Pergent, A. Djellouli, A. A. Hamza, K. S. Ettayeb, A. A. El Mansouri, F. M. Talha, M. A. Hamza, C. Pergent-Martini and F. Platini: The Benthic vegetation in the Farwà Lagoon (Libya)
14:20 H. Langar, A. S. Djellouli and A. El Abed: Caulerpa Genus in Tunisia
14:40 Abdessalem Shili, El Bahri Trabelsi and Naceur Ben Maiz: Benthic flora in Ghar El Melh Lagoon (North Tunisia)
15:00 Besma Chaouachi and Oum Kalthoum Ben Hassine: Biometry in Metapenaeus Monocero (Fabricius,1798) of Gabes Gulf
15:20 Discussion
Session 1C Coastal Hydrodynamics (Chair: Lale Balas)
14:00 J.P. Sierra, C. Mösso, A. Sánchez-Arcilla, J. González del Río, E. Movellán, R. Martínez, D. Palacio, M. Rodilla, S. Falco and I.Romero: Nutrient fluxes in the Ebro estuary
14:20 C. Sammari, K. Ben Mustapha, A. Harzallah and A. El Abed: General circulation effects on Tunisian coastal dynamic
14:40 Ali Harzallah and Vladimir G. Koutitonsky: Observations and numerical simulations of the hydrodynamics of Bizerte Lagoon
15:00 Asu İnan, Ömer F. Tuncer, Can E. Balas and Lale Balas: Water exchange at Göksu Lagoon
15:20 Discussion
Coffee Break (15:45-16:15)
Session 2A Coastal Development and Protection (Chair: Tuncay Neyişçi)
16:15 H. Ben Moussa, F. Baccar, R. Kehdhir and S. Guellouz: Monitoring and preservation of the littoral and marine ecosystems
16:35 Michelle Cassar: A project for the integrated management of specially protected coastal areas in Malta
16:55 Ileana Espejel, Guillermo Aramburo, Claudia Leyva, Yrma Cruz,Luis Carlos Bravo and Juan Diego Flores :
Coastal management in the Mediterranean type of vegetation in Baja California, Mexico
17:15 Daniel S. Natchez: Gain economic and eco-friendly access via functional waterfront development
17:35 Discussion
Session 2B Biology and Microbiology (Chair: Hamadi Bousetta)
16:15 Harrath, M. Charni, S. Tekaya and F. Zgha:The reproductive apparatus of a new planarian from Tunisia
16:35 Monia El Bour., H. Attia El Hili, R. Mraouna and W. Ayari: Bacterial study of mesophyllic aeromonads distribution in shellfish
16:55 Kaouthar Bouamama, M. El Bour and A. El Abed: Discriminative anti-microbial study of bacterial populations associated to Mytilus Galloprovincialis
17:15 S. Zaafrane, K. Maatouk, S. Ben Sadok and A. Bakhrouf: Survival of Salmonella Typhimurium katF+ and katF- in seawater exposed to sunlight
17:35 Discussion
Session 2C Shoreline Management I (Chair: Enzo Pranzini)
16:15 Jentje van der Weide , Hans de Vroeg and Fafa Sanyang: Guidelines for coastal erosion management
16:35 E. Valpreda, G. Cremona ,C. Schiavi and U. Simeoni: Coastal erosion susceptibility assessment at national scale: the Italian case
16:55 Delbono , V. Bozzo , N. Corradi , O. Ferretti and R. Meloni: Morphological evolution as indicator of coastal processes (Liguria, Italy)
17:15 P. Aminti, L. Cappietti, L. E. Cipriani and E. Pranzin: Human and wave-climate change impacts on the morphodynamics of the tombolo di Feniglia (Italy)
17:35 Discussion
WEDNESDAY (24 October 2001)
Session 3A Coastal Landscapes and Management (Chair: F. Veloso-Gomes)
9:00 Helena Maria Granja: Paleoenvironmental indicators from the recent past: a contribution to CZM Purposes
9:20 A.T. Williams, A. Ergin, A. Micallef and A. Uras: Semi-quantitative landscape evaluation of the river basin network, south east Wales, UK
9:40 M. Caterina Redini: The alterations of the Mediterranean coastal landscapes
10:00 Discussion
Session 3B Fisheries (Chair: Saadi Abdeljaoued)
9:00 Saloua Sadok, Roger F. Uglow and Amor El Abed: Effects of high seawater ammonia concentration on the gill epithelium of Mytilus Edulis (L)
9:20 Shahram Dadgar: Shrimp culture in Iran
9:40 H. Zidane, A. Orbi, M. Id Halla and M. Rafik: Population Dynamics of the clam Ruditapes decussatus in the Bay of Dakhla (Southern of Morocco)
10:00 Discussion
Session 3C Beaches (Chair: A.G. Abul-Azm)
9:00 Anton Micallef: Development of a novel approach to beach profiling in the Maltese islands
9:20 R. Certain, J.P. Barusseau, R. Capobianco, A. Meuret, V. Rey, C. Dulou, A. Stepanian, F. Levoy, and H. Howa: Bottom and shoreline evolutions under wave actions at the beach of Sète
9:40 E. Benassai , M. Calabrese and G. Sorgenti degli Uberti: A probabilistic prediction of beach nourishment evolution
10:00 Discussion
Coffee Break (10:15-10:45)
POSTER SESSION 1 (10:45-12:30)
Lunch (12:30-13:30)
Technical and Cultural Field Trip (13:30-19:00)
THURSDAY (25 October 2001)
Session 4A Coastal Management (Chair: Nobuo Kumamoto)
9:00 James A. Griffiths and Steve Morris: Identifying barriers to community participation within ICM in Pembrokeshire, UK.
9:20 David Johnson and Suzan Dagg: Public participation in major coastal zone planning decisions
9:40 Ibrahim Abdel-Gelil, A. G. Abul-Azm and Ivicia Trumbic: ICZM in Egypt: Fuka-Matrouh CAMP project
10:00 Míriam Villares, Laia Oroval and Rosa Junyent: Legislation on coastal planning and management in Spain
10:20 Discussion
Session 4B Coastal and Marine Ecology (Chair: Gerard Pergent)
9:00 V. Velikova, D. Petrova, V. Mihneva, S. Dineva and S. Ouzounova: Recent state of the Bulgarian Black Sea - signs of improvement of the ecosystem
9:20 N. Trabelsi Annabi, H. Ayadi, N. Ben Maïz and T. Sime-Nagando: Phytoplankton of the north Lake of Tunis: relationship with abiotic parameters
9:40 E. Mahmoudi, L. Baccar, H. Beyrem and P. Aïssa: Abiotic factors limiting the nematofauna in a Tunisian Lagoon
10:00 Salaheddin F. Gashout Daw A. Haddoud Libyan lagoon management
10:20 Discussion
Session 4C Shoreline Management II (Chair: Ruben Kosyan)
9:00 Safa Fathallah and Moncef Gueddari: Sedimentary processes and shoreline changes along the Sousse coast, eastern Tunisia
9:20 Dan Bowman and Enzo Pranzini: Erosion within a segmented detached breakwater (Gombo Presidential Villa Beach, Tuscany, Italy)
9:40 G. Fierro and R. Ivaldi: The atlas of the Italian beaches: a review of coastal processes
10:00 Discussion
Coffee Break (10:40-11:00)
POSTER SESSION 2 (11:00-12:40)
Lunch (12:40-14:00)
Session 5A Legal and Policy Issues (Chair: Frank van der Meulen)
14:00 Nobuo Kumamoto: Preserving water quality and improving wastewater in Japan
14:20 Şule Güneş: Transforming problems into opportunities in the oceans-the Aegean Sea
14:40 Huriye Kubilay: Port state control in Turkish law and its enforcement in Turkish ports
15:00 E. E. Andreeva, I. R. Davletbaeva, Y. G. Mikhaylichenko and A. N. Vylegjanin: To develop Russian legal policy on coastal area management
15:20 Discussion
Session 5B Environmental Management (Chair: Ali Harzallah)
14:00 Habib Muhammetoglu, Irene Lucius, Ayşe Muhammetoglu,Ayça Erdem, Bülent Topkaya and Alan Pickaver: COASTLEARN: A distance training package on ICM Leonardo da Vinci project
14:20 D. Vicinanza, C. Meola, G.M. Carlomagno and M. Di Natale:Temperature distribution of a hot water discharge in a wave environment
14:40 C. Avanzini, C. Yurteri, A. Korur, Y. Yüksel and E. Cevik: Environmental and technical problems in a cooling water system of a coastal TPP
15:00 Deniz Dölgen, M. Necdet Alpaslan and Ayşe G. Şerifoğlu: An approach for the best waste management program for marinas
15:20 Discussion
Session 5C Remote Sensing and Sea Level Change (Chair: Yuriy G. Mikhaylichenko)
14:00 Ernesto Canal, Luigi Fozzati, Alberto Lezziero: Geoarchaeology in Venice Lagoon: palaeoenvironmental changes and ancient sea level oscillations
14:20 Jürgen Jensen , Frank Bender and Christoph Blasi: Analysis of the water levels along the German North Sea coastline
14:40 Martin Gade, Vittorio Barale and Helen M. Snaith: Multisensor monitoring of the marine ecosystem at the Spanish Costa Dorada
15:00 Discussion
Coffee Break (15:40-16:10)
MEDCOAST Discussion Session (16:10-17:30)
Collaboration in the Mediterranean for Coastal and Marine Management
FRIDAY (26 October 2001)
Keynote Session II (Chair: Allan Williams)
9:00 Vittorio Barale: The Mediterranean and Black Sea as observed from space
9:20 Karim Ben Mustapha and Amor El Abed: State of the benthic communities of the Tunisian coasts
9:40 J. van der Salm and Ö. Ünal: Towards a common Mediterranean framework for potential beach nourishment projects
10:00 Discussion
Coffee Break (10:30-11:00)
Session 6A Environmental Impacts and Management (Chair: Necdet Alpaslan)
11:00 Michael Robert Phillips and Rhian Elizabeth Jenkins: Impacts of climate change in the marine environment
11:20 Gianna Casazza, Cecilia Silvestri and Emanuela Spada: Use of indicators for the marine environment quality: examples in the Mediterranean Sea
11:40 Mark Scicluna Bartoli: The application of strategic environmental assessment in Malta
12:00 Discussion
Session 6B Coastal Water Quality and Pollution (Chair: Romdhane Mohamed Salah)
11:00 Ayşe Muhammetoğlu , Bülent Topkaya and Habib Muhammetoğlu: Assessment of the seawater quality monitoring results around Antalya sea outfall
11:20 Mohamed A.R. Abdel-Moati: Long-term impact of land-based activities on coastal waters of Alexandria, Egypt
11:40 Massoud A.H. Saad, A.I. Beltagy, M.R. Abdel Moati, M.A. Fahmy and W.M.A. Mahmoud: Environmental problems in the Western Harbor, a Mediterranean basin under stress
12:00 Discussion
Session 6C Coastal Engineering (Chair: Jentje van der Weide)
11:00 J. De Rouck, B. Van de Walle, P. Troch, L. Van Damme, M. Willems, P. Kofoed Jens, P. Frigaard and J. R. Medina: Wave run-up on a rubble mound breakwater
11:20 R. Kos'yan, D. Hanes, S. Kuznetsov, O. Mouraenko, I. Podymov and N. Pykhov: Suspended sand concentration fluctuations under unbroken waves
11:40 K. A. Rakha and A. G. Abul-Azm: Modelling of shoreline changes along the north western Egyptian coast
12:00 Luigi Cavaleri and Mauro Sclavo: The transfer of offshore wave information to the nearshore area
12:20 Discussion
Lunch Break (12:40-15:00)
Closing Session (15:00-16:30)
The following programme has been arranged for the participants and the accompanying persons:
Tuesday, 23 October (18:00-20:00)
Welcome reception at Yasmina Beach Hotel
(Sponsored by Hammamet Municipality)
Wednesday, 24 October ( 13:30-19:00)
Half day Technical and Cultural Field Trip to MedWetCoast Sites in Cap Bon
Thursday, 25 October (20:00)
Gala Dinner and Tunisian Cultural Show
In addition to the social events for the participants, the following tours will be organized for the accompanying persons:
Tuesday, 23 October
Hammamet Tour (14:00 Half-day)
Thursday, 25 October
Tunis * Carthage * Sidi Bou Said (7:35 Full-day)
Friday, 26 October
Kairouan * Sousse * Port el Kantaoui (7:35 Full-day)