Prof. Erdal Özhan, Chairman of MEDCOAST, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.


Abdelbaki, A., Laboratoire D’Etudes Maritimes, Alger, Algeria
Barale, V., JRC of the EC, Ispra, Italy
Baric, A., GEF Project Coordinator, UNEP-MAP, Athens, Greece
Bologa, A., Romanian Marine Research Institute, Romania
Brambati, A., Univ. of Trieste, Italy
Casazza, G., APAT, Rome, Italy
Cicin-Sain, B., JOCM, Delaware, USA
Cinelli, F., Univ. of Pisa, Italy
D’Argenio, B., CNR, Naples, Italy
De Vriend, H., Delft Hydraulics, The Netherlands
El Abed, A., INSTM, Salammbô, Tunisia
Ergin, A., Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Gvilava, M., ICZM Centre, Tbilisi, Georgia
Hatziolos, M.E., The World Bank, Washington D.C., USA
Jeftic, L., Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea, UK
Kos’yan, R., Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Gelendzhik, Russia
Kullenberg, G., International Ocean Institute, Canada
Kumamoto, N., Hokkaigakuen University, Sapporo, Japan
La Monica, G.B., Univ. of Rome, Italy
Liberatore, G., University of Udine, Italy
Lupia Palmieri, E., Univ. of Rome, Italy
Mee, L.D., University of Plymouth, UK
Micallef, A., Euro Med. Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics, Malta
Moutzouris, C., National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Nordstrom, K., Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA
Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., ICRAM, Rome, Italy
Oliounine, I., International Ocean Institute, Malta
Palmentola, G., Univ. of Bari, Italy
Panin, N., National Institute of Marine Geology and Geo-Ecology, Romania
Pavasovic, A., Former Director, UNEP-MAP PAP/RAC, Croatia
Pergent, G., University of Corsica, Corte, France
Pergent-Martini, C., University of Corsica, Corte, France
Pranzini, E., Univ. of Florence, Italy
Sanchez-Arcilla, A., Catalunya University of Technology, Barcelona, Spain
Sharaf El-Din, S.H., Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Simunovic, I., University of Split, Croatia
Sorensen, J., University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA
Spezie, G., Univ. of Naples, Italy
Stiassnie, M., Cameri-Technion, Haifa, Israel
Stive, M.J.F., Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Trumbic, I., UNEP-MAP PAP/RAC, Split, Croatia
Vallega, A., ICCOPS & University of Genoa, Italy
Van der Meulen, F., International CZM Centre, The Netherlands
Van der Weide, J., The Netherlands
Veloso-Gomes, F., University of Porto, Portugal
Williams, A.T., University of Glamorgan, UK


Over the last two years, the MEDCOAST boat, which aims to contribute to coastal and marine conservation in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea by enhancing integrated management practices that utilize scientific knowledge, modern tools and instruments, has moved from Ravenna on the western shores of the Adriatic to Kusadasi on the eastern shores of the Aegean Sea (which incidentally sounds as the “Sea of Love in Chinese!)

Since the first conference organised in Antalya, Turkey during 2-5 November 1993, seven events of the MEDCOAST’s “Mediterranean Coastal Environment” conference series have made this series a major international scientific and environmental meeting, focusing on the management of the coastal and sea areas in general and of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea in particular. It has become one of the most regularly organised conferences in its field, producing valuable outcomes that include 18 volumes of proceedings adding up to nearly 13 000 pages and five special issues of two leading coastal management journals. These bi-annual conferences, together with three thematic workshops, one special conference and twelve events of two series of training programs, have created a steadily growing group of MEDCOAST people, among which various significant collaboration initiatives have developed.

Response to the seventh conference was tremendous from all around the Mediterranean and the Black Sea and we received over 300 abstracts. Unfortunate however, we failed to get sponsorship of TUBITAK (Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council) and for this reason; we could not support potential authors from several countries of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea including Turkey, who could not meet the cost of participation from their end. Despite of this regretful drawback, MEDCOAST 05, organised in an attractive conference resort on the shores of the Aegean, still has a rich technical program including nearly 150 oral and poster presentations and a day-long technical trip. Due to generosity of Mugla University and Municipality of Kusadasi, MEDCOAST 05 also has a busy and attractive social program.

We expect to have another successful event in the magnificent setting of the Pine Bay Holiday Resort, enhanced by the rich Turkish culture (including the cuisine!) and the well known hospitality. Scientists, experts, managers, planners, policy makers, resource developers, users and conservationists from both the Mediterranean and the Black Sea countries, or from outside the basins, are cordially invited to participate!


All activities of MEDCOAST 05 will take place at the pleasant conference facilities of Pine Bay Holiday Resort, Kusadasi, Turkey.


Necdet Alpaslan, Dokuz Eylül University
Ahmet Balci, Mugla University
Osman E. Colakoglu, Adnan Menderes University
Ümit Erdem, Ege University
Ahmet Kocatas, Ege University
Erdal Özhan, MEDCOAST, (Chairman)
Ayse Serifoglu, Kusadasi Municipality


Mugla Üniversitesi
Kusadasi Belediyesi
GEF-UNDP Black Sea Ecosystems Recovery Project


14:30 – 18:00 REGISTRATION

09:00 – 10:30 REGISTRATION
10:00 – 10:30 COFFEE BREAK
10:30 – 12:00 OPENNING SESSION
12:00 – 14:00 LUNCH BREAK
14:00 – 15:15 A1 (3) B1 (3)
15:15 – 15:45 COFFEE BREAK
15:45 – 17:45 A2 (4 ) B2 (5)
20:00 – 23:00 OFFICIAL OPENING RECEPTION offered by the Rector of MUGLA UNIVERSITY

09:00 – 10:15 A3 (3) B3 (3)
10:15 – 10:45 COFFEE BREAK
10 45 – 12 30 POSTER SESSION 1
12:30 – 13:30 LUNCH BREAK
13:30 – 18:00 CULTURAL TRIP


09:00 – 10:10 A4 (3) B4 (3)
10:10 – 10:40 COFFEE BREAK
10:40 – 12:30 A5 (5) B5 (5)
12:30 – 14:00 LUNCH BREAK
14:00 – 15:50 A6 (5) B6 (5) C1: MED ICAM PROTOCOL
15:50 – 16:20 COFFEE BREAK
16:20 – 18:00 POSTER SESSION II
19:30 – 21:30 WINE RECEPTION offered by

09:00 – 10:40 A7 (4) B7 (4)
10:40 – 11:10 COFFEE BREAK
12:30 – 14:00 LUNCH BREAK
14:00 – 15:15 A8 (3) B8 (3)
15:15 – 16:00 COFFEE BREAK




24 October 2005 Monday

14:30-18:00 Registration (Pine Bay Holiday Resort)

25 October 2005 Tuesday

09:00 Registration

10:00 Coffee break

10:30 Opening session (Royal)

12:00 Lunch break

14:00 Oral session 1

Session A1: Coastal/Marine Ecosystems & Management 1 (Miletus)
(Chairperson: Gianna Casazza)

14:00 Seagrass watch, a new tool for monitoring metal contamination?, Pergent-Martini, Kantin, Pergent, Ferrat
14:20 The Corsican Posidonia Monitoring Network, Pergent, Pergent-Martini, Abiven, Boissery, Filmont, Hauden, Mimault, Pasqualini, Patrone
14:40 Spatiotemporal evaluation of metallic contamination in Posidonia oceanica, Lafabrie, Ferrat, Pergent-Martini, Kantin, Pergent, Andral
15:00 Discussion

Session B1: Beaches & Shoreline Management 1 (Pergamon)
(Chairperson: Izmail Kantardgi)

14:00 Beach response to a low-crested breakwater project at Marina di Pisa (I), Ferri, Pranzini, Wetzel
14:20 An effort toward renaturalisation of Igea Marina beach: Transformation of six barriers into one LCS, Preti, Lamberti, Martinelli, Albertazzi, Sammarini
14:40 Study of beach state and coastal protection in the neighborhood of Sochi City, Kosýan, Krylenko, Petrov, Yaroslavtsev
15:00 Discussion

15:15 Coffee break

15:45 Oral session 2

Session A2: Coastal/Marine Ecosystems Management 2 (Miletus)
(Chairperson: Christine Pergent-Martini)

15:45 The barrier reef of Posidonia in the Gulf of Tunis, Telahigue, Chabbi, Ben Ismail, Hajji
16:05 Interannual and decadal variability in Posidonia oceanica, Buia, Flagella, Guala, Gravina, Flagella, Cigliano
16:25 “Chronicle of a death foretold” - features of a Posidonia oceanica bed impacted by sand extraction, Gambi, Dappiano, Lorenti, Iacono, Flagella, Buia
16:45 Restoration of seagrass meadows: Means and limitations, Gobert, Lepoint, Bouquegneau, Vangeluwe, Eisinger, Paster, Schuhmacher, van Treeck
17:05 Discussion

Session B2: Pollution & Waste Management (Pergamon)
(Chairperson: Necdet Alpaslan)

15:45 An ecosystem approach to contamination of the Lagoon of Venice (Italy), Bocci, Barbanti, Castellani, Carafa, Carrer, Montobbio
16:05 Toxicity evaluation in Marmara shoreline: Impact of oil spill from Volgoneft-248, Talinli, Tosun, Aydin
16:25 Innovative monitoring of turbidity due to dredging activities, Barbanti, Chiarlo, Fornasiero, Gabellini, La Valle, Nicoletti
16:45 Immobilisation of metal wastes by reaction with H2S in anoxic basins: Concept and elaboration, Schuiling
17:05 Environmental scan analysis for development of waste management strategies: Kusadasi example, Dolgen, Alpaslan, Kipkip,Serifoglu
17:25 Discussion

18:20 Official opening reception offered by the Rector of
Mugla University (Indoor Pool, Pine Bay Holiday Resort)

26 October 2005 Wednesday

09:00 Oral session 3

Session A3: Coastal Management 1 (Miletus)
(Chairperson: Frank van der Meulen)

09:00 MedWetCoast: Management planning for protected areas, Goyet
09:20 Functional connected areas: Sea and land uses interaction, Gosar, Banovec, Poljsak, Steinman
09:40 Coastal zone management for Cyprus: Implementation phase-experience and benefits, Iakovou, Zervos
10:00 Discussion

Session B3: Beaches & Shoreline Management 2 (Pergamon)
(Chairperson: Ruben Kosyan)

09:00 Geophysical investigations for exploring marine sand deposits (Cilento Peninsula - Southern Italy), Savini, Pennetta, Corselli
09:20 The BEACHMED project, Lupino, Riccardi, Bellacicco
09:40 Costs for construction of coastal defence works,
Lupino, Riccardi, Scaloni

10:00 Discussion

10:15 Coffee break

10:45 Poster session 1 (Piriene)

1.1 Serap Incaz and Güler Bilen Alkan: Importance of logistics and maritime trade for Turkey during globalization
1.2 Serap Incaz: Effects of the South-Eastern Anatolia Project on the ports of Turkey in the Mediterranean region
1.3 Shih-Duenn Kuo: The feasibility study of Deep-Water Port Extension Project in the Port of Kaohsiung
1.4 Svetlana Rubtsova: Influence of substratum and temperature on the processes of oil transformation by bacteria in the sea
1.5 Osman El-Rayis, Mohammed El-Sabrouti, Mahmoud Abdelmoneim and Hayat Faragallah: Association of P with sediments of a Nile Delta bay
1.6 Aysun Türkmen, Mustafa Türkmen, Mehmet Naz and Ekrem Mutlu: Correlation between the heavy metal levels in SPM and some parameters of the waters of Iskenderun Bay
1.7 Özgür Bülent Yalçin and Ayse Muhammetoglu: The regional impacts of effluents from wastewater treatment plants along Antalya Bay
1.8 Faisal Al-Hulail: Lagoon system development in Al-Khiran area – Kuwait
1.9 Karim Rakha and Khaled Al-Salem: Shore protection of a proposed promontory south of Kuwait
1.10 Lupino, Riccardi, Scaloni: Cost-benefit analysis for beach nourishment work
1.11 Pedro Fernández and Suzane Popovic: Rehabilitation and new uses of groins versus beach nourishment: Santa Pola Spain
1.12 Servet Karasu, Murat Ihsan Kömürcü, Ömer Yüksek, Ismail Hakki Özölçer and Murat Kankal: The effects of nourishment material size, wave and berm heights on artificial nourishment
1.13 Igor Podymov, Ruben Kos’yan and Tatiana Podymova: Parameters of nearshore zone dynamical processes and an operational
1.14 Liri Muçaj, Eglantina Bruci and Vangjo Kovaçi: Climate and its impact on the erosion processes in coastal areas of Albania
1.15 Sergey Khavsky: Model of irregular waves attack on sloping coastal structures
1.16 Ching-Her Hwang, Li-Hung Tsai and Chih-Chung Wen: Studies on the characteristics of bragg reflection for water waves over a series of submerged breakwater
1.17 Chao-Fu Lin, Jea-Tzyy Juang and Fa-Lu Lin: Overtopping rate on berm breakwater with series submerged breakwaters
1.18 Jea-Tzyy Juang, Chao-Fu Lin and Yu-Yi Huang: Wave transmission and runup on berm step type seawall
1.19 Claudia D’Eliso, Serena Ferri and Pier Luigi Aminti: Low dikes against flooding along the Tuscany coasts
1.20 Izmail Kantardgi and Sergey Antsyferov: On sediment suspension threshold under waves and current co-action
1.21 Ching-Piao Tsai and Shi-Song You: Toe scour of seawall on steep seabed
1.22 Murat Ihsan Kömürcü, Ömer Yüksek, Murat Kankal and Servet Karasu: Parameters which affect the temporal rate coefficient of equilibrium bar volume
1.23 Saleh Abdalla, Jean-Raymond Bidlot and Peter Janssen: Jason altimeter wave height verification and assimilation
1.24 Umut Türker: Tsunami run-up evaluation for Cyprus Island
1.25 Sahnaz Tigrek, A. Metin Ger and Turgut Tokdemir: Numerical simulation of wave boundary layer with generalized finite difference method
1.26 Ipek Yildiz, Asu Inan and Lale Balas: An efficient numerical scheme to simulate wave induced circulation
1.27 Martin Lazar and Mirko Orlic: Modelling of bottom anticyclonic circulation in the Adriatic Sea
1.28 Jürgen Jensen, Christoph Mudersbach and Sylvin Müller-Navarra: Modelling of extreme storm surges in the North Sea and its statistical analysis
1.29 Michael Phillips, Allan Williams, Chris House and Gareth Collins: An analysis of sea level trends in the Bristol Channel/Severn Estuary, Wales, UK
1.30 Efthimios Karymbalis and Archonto Seni: Coastal geomorphology and future sea-level rise impacts at the Eastern Gulf of Argos (Greece)
1.31 Alper Fulat, Vedat Toprak, Erdal Özhan and M. Lütfi Süzen: Grain size analysis along Büyük Menderes Delta shoreline, Turkey
1.32 F. Sancar Ozaner: Geomorphological evolution, morphology and dynamics of the coastal dunes of Ceyhan Delta
1.33 Kakhaber Bilashvili, Grigol Ruso, Nana Megreli and Zurab Savaneli: Dynamics of the deltaic canyon area of the Rv. Chorokhi, Georgia
1.34 M. Iovea, G. Oaie, O.G. Duliu, M. Bodale, G. Mateiasi and M. Neagu: Single and dual-energy X-ray computer tomography and digital radiography study of sedimentary cores
1.35 Bedri Alpar and Selma Ünlü: Seaward mobility of seismically induced coastal and subbottom sediment failures in Karamürsel Basin

12:00 Lunch break

13:30 Cultural trip to Selçuk Museum and Ephesus

18:00 Free evening in the town of Sirince and Kusadasi

23:00 Back to the Hotel

27 October 2005 Thursday

09:00 Oral session 4

Session A4: Coastal Management 2 (Miletus)
(Chairperson: Ivo Simunovic)

09:00 ICZM some ten years after RIO: Where do we stand and which way to go?, Meulen
09:20 Decision COZIP: An intensive programme in European integrated coastal zone management, Gallagher, Fletcher, Johnson, Williams, Muhammetoglu, Ortacesme, Sayan, Muhammetoglu, Demircan, Cummins, O’Donnell, Gault, Phillips, House, May, Ergin
09:40 Discussion

Session B4: Water Quality Protection & Management (Pergamon)
(Chairperson: Ilhan Talinli)

09:00 Science and policy integration: Ecological classification of Mediterranean coastal waters, Casazza, Lopez y Royo, Spada, Silvestri
09:20 Towards application of an integrated ecosystem approach for protecting European waters, Istemil
09:40 Delineation of surface water bodies in Slovene coastal area,
10:00 Discussion

10:10 Coffee break

10:40 Oral session 5

Session A5: Coastal/Marine Ecosystems & Management 3 (Miletus)
(Chairperson: Gerard Pergent)

10:40 A thermodynamic approach to the study of beach ecosystems,
Vassallo, Beiso, Moreno, Fabiano
11:00 Principles of cetacean monitoring in the Black Sea,
Gol’din, Gol’din
11:20 Evolution of a natural Tunisian rocky coastal environment,
Mejri, Menif, Boujarra, Hajji, Ben Hassine
11:40 Ecosystem and natural resources management in the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea coastal zone, Ostrovskaya
12:00 Discussion

Session B5: Modelling & Coastal Engineering (Pergamon)
(Chairperson: Can Balas)

10:40 An efficient numerical scheme to simulate wave induced circulation, Yildiz, Inan, Balas
11:00 Model of short-term marine forecast in the Black and Azov Seas
Verbitskaya, Popov, Zilberstein
11:20 Ocean wave products at ECMWF
Janssen, Bidlot, Abdalla
11:40 Discussion

12:30 Lunch break

14:00 Oral session 6

Session A6: Coastal & Marine Tourism & Recreation (Miletus)
(Chairperson: Nihal Senlier)

14:00 Sustainable management schemes for coastal recreational areas in the Antalya region of Turkey, Atik, Ortaçesme
14:20 Golf tourism and impacts on coastal environment in the leading golf region of Turkey, Ortaçesme, Yildirim
14:40 From nightmare to day dream in the Black Sea: Prospects of marine tourism development, Dagci
15:00 Discussion

Session B6: Remote Sensing (Pergamon)
(Chairperson: Saleh Abdalla)

14:00 Assessing ecological dynamics in the Mediterranean Sea, Barale
14:20 Use of SPOT 5 and IKONOS satellites for mapping biocenoses in a Tunisian Lagoon, Vela, Djelouli , Langar, Pasqualini , Pergent, Pergent-Martini , Mrabet
14:40 Using marine surface films as indicators for marine processes in the coastal zone, Gade, Ermakov, Lavrova, Mitnik, da Silva, Woolf
15:00 Active shoreline changes of Büyük Menderes river delta in the last 50 years, Süzen, Rojay
15:20 Joint analysis of sea level variability and sea colour off the Tunisian coasts using remote sensed data, Gana, Kochlef
15:40 Discussion

Session C1: MED ICAM Protocol: An informal presentation and discussions session (Committee Room 2)
(Conveners: Ivo Simunovic & Maja Feredetovic)

15:50 Coffee break

16:20 Poster session 2 (Piriene)

2.1 Wakita, Fernández: Optimum role allocation for management of beach environment
2.2 Muhammetoglu, Oguz, Karakoç, Karadirek: Integrated coastal zone management in South Antalya - Turkey
2.3 Özölçer, Yildirim, Büyüksalih, Çapar, Öztürk: Investigation of Zonguldak coasts for coastal management,
2.4 Balas, Balas, Koç, Küçükosmanoglu: Economic analysis of ports by artificial intelligence
2.5 Bianchini, Spanò, Profeta, Camilleri, Mosteiro, Ragonese: Protecting resources while enhancing compatible tourism: a proposal for an integrated approach
2.6 Senlier: Alternative tourism for sustainability of coastal areas
2.7 Fernández, Hernández: New opportunities for lighthouses: Gran Canaria Island, Spain
2.8 Altunbas: A view from Çanakkale coasts: Development of Gökçeada
2.9 Fernández, Gómez- Aleixandre, Zubillaga: Wind energy on the shore coast: Study case on Galicia´s coast, Spain
2.10 Deniz: Offshore sea farming in Turkey
2.11 Güçlüsoy, Veryeri, Cirik: The status of cetaceans in the Izmir Bay: Preliminary results
2.12 Phillips, Banfield, May, Jenkins: Whale watching and the collection of cetacean data: A case study of WhaleWatch Azores
2.13 Buia, Giunta, Guala, Iacono, Montella, Silvestre, Tiberti: State of Posidonia oceanica meadows around the Sardinian coast
2.14 Nicoletti, Belluscio, La Valle, Ardizzone Monitoring of Posidonia oceanica meadow after beach nourishment
2.15 Ben Ismaîl, Telahigue, Chebbi, Hajji, Ben Hassine: The macro-invertebrates of Posidonia oceanica in the Tunis Gulf
2.16 Chebbi, Ben Ismail, Telahigue, Hajji, Ben Hassine: Biodiversity of Posidonia herbarium in an anthropized site
2.17 Diawara, Zouari-Tlig, Ben Hassine: Qualitative study of molluscan fauna in Tunis north lagoon (Northen Tunisia)
2.18 Ben Souissi, Trigui El Menif, Mahjou, Méjri, Quignard, Capapé, Zaouali: On the recent occurrences of marine exotic species in the Tunisian waters
2.19 Jasprica, Caric: Microphytoplankton in the Marine Lake Mir (The Dugi Otok Island, Croatia)
2.20 Caric, Jasprica: Resource ratios and phytoplankton in the marine Lake Vlaška (NE Mediterranean)
2.21 Petrova, Ivanova, Velikova, Mihneva: The distribution of the plankton of the Black Sea
2.22 Mavrodieva, Mihneva, Hiebaum, Venzislav: Phytoplankton community in the Bay of Bourgas, abiotic ambience and trends in major shifts
2.23 Taskin, Öztürk: The marine algae of Ayvalik (Aegean Sea, Turkey)
2.24 Murakami, Ishii, Taki, Matsushima: Seasonal changes of phytoplankton in seaside park pond on Kujyukurihama coastal line, Japan
2.25 Petrova, Velikova: The Emiliania huxley along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast
2.26 Takeda, Chiba, Nomura, Nakano, Nishimura: Allelopathic effect shown by seawater from Sargassum horneri bed on the growth of Skeletonema costatum
2.27 Flagella, Lorenti, Buia: Assessment of the potential success of Asparagopsis taxiformis
2.28 Bouriga, Hamrouni, Nouali, Faure, Quignard, Maamouri, Trabelsi: Comparison of some cephalic skulls between an insulary and a lagunary species of Atherina in Tunisia
2.29 Hamrouni, Bouriga, Nouali, Faure, Quignard, Maamouri, Trabelsi: Comparison of some cephalic bones’ morphology in atherinids: Atherina boyeri and Atherina lagunae
2.30 Meddeb, Faure, Quignard, Maamouri, Trabelsi: Comparison of oromandibular bones of A. boyeri and A. punctata
2.31 Dhiaf, Bakhrouf: Resistance of Bacillus spores in salt crystals
2.32 Dhiaf, Bakhrouf: Adaptation of Vibrio cholerae to extreme seawater stress
2.33 Alyomov, Osadchaya: Ecological diagnostics of bottom environment of coastal aquatoria
2.34 Boldreghini, Dall’Alpi: Change of the waterbird community foraging in the Comacchio Lagoon (N Adriatic)
2.35 Petagna, Manca Zeichen, Finoia, Pascucci: The use of satellite data in identifying phytoplankton distribution within a pelagic marine protected area
2.36 Sener, Davraz, Ismailov: Investigation of Burdur Lake shoreline change by using satellite images

19:30- 21:30 Wine reception offered by Kusadasi Municipality

28 October 2005 Friday

09:00 Oral session 7

Session A7: Economic Issues (Miletus)
(Chairperson: Sylvie Goyet)

09:00 Marine ecosystem thresholds – towards an integrated theoretical framework for valuation, Markandya, Taylor, Longo, Barton
09:20 Tourism and eco-rent: A practical model, Simunovic, Fredotovic
09:40 Discussion

Session B7: Urban & Coastal Planning & Development - Marine Transportation (Pergamon)
(Chairperson: Deniz Dölgen)

09:00 On the threshold of either rise or fall: Development challenges of a coastal city, Kusadasi-Aydin, Çilingir, Dündar, Yörür, Altinörs
09:20 The situation of the European Union in the developing perspective of the Turkish maritime transportation, Incaz
09:40 Discussion

10:00 Coffee break

(Convener: Erdal Özhan)

12:30 Lunch break

14:00 Oral session 8

Session A8: Mediterranean and Governance – Training (Miletus)
(Chairperson: Selmin Burak)

14:00 Mediterranean Environmental Programme, Günes
14:20 The prospective analysis by Blue Plan as a base for a sustainable Mediterranean coastal strategy, Coudert
14:40 COASTLEARN, a multi-modular and multi-lingual distance training package on ICZM, Muhammetoglu, Wegen, Lucius, Pérez Valverde, Coman
15:00 Discussion

Session B8: Water Level Changes (Pergamon)
(Chairperson: Vittorio Barale)

14:00 Extreme storm surges distributions at Marseilles,
Gaufrès, Sabatier
14:20 Environmental stress generated by sea-level rise on coastal zones, Burak, Alpar, Gazioglu, Türker, Barut
14:40 Statistical analysis of extreme hydrological data, Jensen, Frank, Mudersbach, Blasi
15:00 Discussion

15:15 Coffee break

16:00 Conference closing session (Miletus)
(Chairs: Erdal Özhan, ,Necdet Alpaslan, Ayse Serifoglu)

20:00 Conference closing banquet (Royal, Pine Bay Holiday Resort)

29 October 2005 Saturday

Technical field trip to Dilek Peninsula & Büyük Menderes Delta National Park

30 October 2005 Sunday

Post-conference tour, Departures

Note on the Technical Program: A number of chairpersons are ‘invited’ at the time of printing the program.


The social program will include the following events:

• Official opening reception (25 Oct., 20:00 – 23: 00)
• Cultural trip to Selçuk Museum and Ephesus ruins, visit to SIrince and Kusadasi towns (26 Oct., 13:30 - 23:00)
• Wine reception at Güvercin Ada (27 Oct., 19:30 - 21:30)
• Conference closing banquet (28 Oct., 20:00 - 24:00)


In addition to the social and cultural program and the technical trip to Dilek Peninsula and Büyük Menderes Delta National Park organised for the participants, the following events will be included:

• Guided tour of the Town of Kusadasi (25 October, 14:00- 18:30)
• Piriene, Miletus and Didyma cultural sites (27 October, 08 30 – 18:30)
• Visit to the weekly Kusadasi Food Bazaar (28 October, 08:30 – 12 00)

TECHNICAL TRIP (29 October, 8:30 – 19:00)

A technical trip will be organised as a part of the conference program to Dilek Peninsula and Büyük Menderes Delta National Park:

Dilek Peninsula is a pristine coastal site with a rich forest ecosystem, and one of the earliest coastal national parks in Turkey. The shores of the peninsula is one of the important habitats for the Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus). Büyük Menderes Delta is an important Ramsar site supporting numerous water foul species including pelicans and flamingos. Karina lagoon is a rich fisheries ground. A brief visit to the visitor centre of the national park will be included in the trip.